Angelina Jolie in leggy black Versace at the Oscars: silly, funny & gorgeous?

OK, I’m ready to talk about Brangelina. No, wait. Let’s just skip the Brad Pitt stuff, okay? Because it was like he was barely there. I’m happy that he was nominated twice, as producer and actor, and I would have loved if he had won, but he basically had no chance. Hopefully, he knew that. So let’s just talk about Angelina Jolie and her LEG and this Versace gown. My thoughts on the gown in general – Angelina is comfortable in black, and she was made to wear Versace. It made her waist look tiny. CB and I think her arms look too skinny, so maybe she could have covered them up, but overall, I didn’t hate this on Angie. It wasn’t the best, it wasn’t the worst.

As for her posing and THAT LEG. I don’t even know what was possessing her throughout the red carpet and then on stage – she shouldn’t have to contort her body that hard in a gown. We understand – there’s a high slit. Put your leg down, Jolie. So, Angelina’s leg has now become a meme. Buzzfeed has “the ten best photos of Angelina’s leg” here. Angelina’s right leg also has its own Twitter account now. And when she presented Best Adapted Screenplay to the three screenwriters of The Descendants, they jokingly “assumed the position” with their legs out, and it was hilarious. I would have loved a cutaway to Angelina’s face then, because I hope she was laughing at herself.

So after The Descendants’ guys “mocked” her (in what I thought was good humor), everyone was like “OMG, they think she’s so stupid and obviously they hate her of course.” Um, what? So the screenwriters are getting even more press by explaining that it was just a light-hearted JOKE.

One of the best spontaneous moments of comedy during the 84th Annual Academy Awards came courtesy of Jim Rash, co-writer of The Descendants, and the daffy Dean Pelton on NBC’s Community. After he and collaborators Nat Faxon and Alexander Payne won the Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay, Rash chose to spend his time on stage paying homage to presenter Angelina Jolie’s right-leg-flashing fashion pose.

“Honestly, as soon as I saw her pose like that, I was like, ‘I’m going to do that,’” Rash told EW at the Governors Ball after the show. Producers had asked all the nominees, explained Rash, to have only one person speak when there were three or more winners. “I knew Alexander was going to take the reigns, so I was like, ‘How can I make a moment?’ — selfishly,” laughed Rash. “I almost thought it was a little Dean Pelton, somehow. I was bringing it all together. Because I have stood like that [on Community].”

And no, Rash had not yet spoken with Jolie about the moment. Was he at least aware that, while he was doing the pose, Jolie was doing it too, standing in the dark on the far left of the stage? “Are you serious? Oh my god, that’s fantastic.”

[From EW]

Nat Faxon went on to tell The Hollywood Reporter, “Angelina’s supremely hot. There’s no way to do anything but honor her.” And Rash said, “I had just seen her pose and thought it was bold and fun. And you know what? We have exactly the same legs! Really, it was a loving tribute and nothing but.” See? It’s fine. Brangeloonies, don’t take a fatwa against these poor, funny screenwriters. Brange haters, chill out. These guys are not one of you.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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478 Responses to “Angelina Jolie in leggy black Versace at the Oscars: silly, funny & gorgeous?”

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  1. Bite me says:

    Get it bitch… Love that brad parent were also there…let me get my popcorn ready

  2. Asli says:

    ‘‘How can I make a moment?’ — selfishly,”

    OMG! Hilarious – that sounds so… fratty. I didn’t see this and don’t know who this guy is but he sounds funny.

    • Blankverse says:

      Definitely one of the funniest moments from last night! At first I thought…oh no he didn’t just do that did he? And then realized he did!

    • Sloane Wyatt says:

      ‘That Guy’ is the Dean from “Community”, and he was devilishly funny!

      Angelina, on the other hand, looked like she’d had a visit from the ‘Captain’, the cheesy ‘Captain Morgan’ alcohol commercial where everyone thrusts out their leg, exactly like Angie did all night. Ange looked silly and sauced.

  3. Hilarious says:

    Angelina looked so desperate and cheap and that pose LOL…..,but it was funny to watch in a very ‘what not to do moment’, LOL

    • Sloane Wyatt says:

      The Gown was gorgeous! However, Ange came off very much like a cross between an attenuated Tim Burton Character and Morticia Adams as played by Angelica Houston.


      • Maguita says:

        Well put! Oddly, Angie wasn’t herself at all yesterday night.

        She usually is so self-assured, and in control, and yesterday was just too much try. It is so weird to associate this word with Angelina. I wonder what got her so out of her self-possessed mode? And she looked like the waxy version of herself as well. Too beautiful, too unmovable face, too skinny…

        I am quite sure Enty is having an “I told you so” party, because yesterday, Angie gave him cause to gloat. Her erratic behavior, oily forehead, and beyond skeletal appearance, is definitely one I would associate with an addict’s.

      • Katherine says:

        LOL! I love how the anti-Angie brigade have found something they think they can pick on. They are like pit bulls (their new favorite breed) thinking they’ve found a morsel and locking their jaws and shaking their heads in frenzied desperation.

        She looked like she was having fun and vamping it up. The audience loved it. She looked gorgeous in simple elegance.

        I’m not sure how much more ridiculous analysis of her every move – one millisecond at a time – I can handle. There’s something wrong with people who seem to take such delight in so many personal attacks over nothing. It really is like high school girls ganging up to attack the prettiest girl in school.

      • Maguita says:

        Ah yes, the “prettiest” girl in high school feeling victimized because she was also the bitchiest. Yes, yes, I remember that ONE. Everyone was jealous. No one had sympathy at how hard her life used to be. But everyone was ganging up on the prettier one when questioning her beyond odd behavior, and her usual nasty self-entitled and classless attitude.

        This is not high school, those are the Oscars. And when you lack decorum, and act frantic, no matter your name, the public will call you up on it. We pay them OUR money, so they deal with it. And I am quite sure Angie will deal with it. Hopefully by eating something other than the weekly cracker, as the blogger puts it.

      • Maguita says:

        Also, what is this crap calling everyone haters, because they are able to criticize the actress that showed up wonkey-eyed on the Oscar stage and carpet?

        IF it were Amanda Seyfried, we would totally be screaming that she is a shameful hussy, and needs to stay home, not attend the Oscars.

        If it were Olivia Wilde, we would be making fun of her and saying, there you go, low class hussy, does not belong at the Oscars, no matter her previous royal title.

        If it were Halle Berry, we would be stating that she is an embarrassment to all black women, and needs to stay home and take care of her daughter.

        And please, let us not truly state what we would be saying about if this was Jen A. if she acted that way on stage, the least offensive would be along the line of, ah, there you go, a grown ass woman obviously under Chelsea’s bad influence, who cannot hold her shit together for the Oscars.

        But it’s Jolie. And we ARE lenient with her. Because it is the first time in over a decade that she had looked that erratic out of her mind. The last time I remember her that “giddy”, was when she kissed her brother. So cheer up, by tomorrow we would have moved on. But today, everyone is talking about how she looked and behaved. And I mean, everyone who was present on the red carpet, and behind the cameras during the telecast.

      • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

        @Katherine, be kind to pitbulls. They are very sweet and misunderstood. I feel like the same could be said about Angie! As an aside, they can NOT “lock their jaws.” Huge myth.

    • Calli P says:

      It was totally weird. And the thrust chin? Was she trying to subtlely snub BP? Not hanging on him, like usual. As in, was she on something different than the blind-item-supposed methadone stuff? High?

      And she is so pretty, and the lipstick color looks great against her skin–but once she opens her mouth, the orange- based red makes her teeth look yellow. Yuck.

      Blue- based reds, ladies, blue-based reds.

      • cameron says:

        My Goodness. She was having fun. When she just standing there having her photo taken the haters say she so full of herself. Now she’s vamping it up, smiling and its still problem. Like Angie doesn’t know how to stand in a thigh high slit when most of her red carpet dresses have a thigh slit. And she was named one the best dressed by Fashionistas.I love that her Mother-in-Law chose the dress.
        Everyone’s talking about Angie and not who won the Oscars. That’s who should be embarassed.
        It’s Not that Serious. I say “You Go Girl”!

    • Kiki says:

      I thought she tried too hard and she looked ridiculous. I laughed when she presented… No, I don’t hate her nor I’m envious of her; as a matter of fact, I loved her dress.

      • gigi says:

        See, I love the Brange…but even I don’t get what the bloody hell was up with that weird leg pose. I guess she was just having fun…because (I seriously think) she was a little high or drunk. Girlfriend has not giggled or smiled that big in front of a big audience in forever.

      • bella says:

        I am not an Angie fan, but have always noted her INCREDIBLE beauty. W.H.A.T. W.A.S. T.H.A.T? I didn’t see her on the red carpet, but watched while she presented and it appeared that she was on something…she looked ridiculous, and if she thought that striking a pose as a presenter at the Oscars was fun and light-hearted, she was brutally mistaken. She made a fool of herself. I’d love to hear her reveal what was going on in her mind, if she can remember!

    • EmmaStoneWannabe says:

      A pose-hard, very much like Lea Michele.

      • QQ says:

        I think the poseharding was to create nonexistent curves much like Leah Michelle’s case

      • lu says:

        I thought the same thing, this is Lea Michelle level of hard posing, i kinda felt embarrassed for her when she presented with this pose. But as usual she looked amazing.

      • Mrs. Odie 2 says:

        I wonder if she was uncomfortable in her role as the girlfriend, since she was there for Brad and not as a nominee this time. But maybe she was just back to her old self. This is the woman who won an Oscar in full goth garb then began her speech with “I’m so in love with my brother right now.”

    • rissa says:

      any other celebrity and the headline would’ve read “: silly, desperate and hilarious?”

      • Maguita says:

        I don’T find them to be the same, at all. Although both black dresses with slits up to there, they are quite different.

        But one must note that the way JA is standing, is how you are supposed to rightly showcase a slit up to there. AJ, not so much… It is more like how I stand when my undies are caught in my buttcrack.

      • lu says:

        even i like jolie more jenn looked much better. that is how you pose a high slit.

    • anti says:

      She — and the dress would look much better too — if not for that weird leg-out pose. She;s usually pretty good about that 🙁

    • katie says:


      “They are like pit bulls (their new favorite breed) thinking they’ve found a morsel and locking their jaws and shaking their heads in frenzied desperation.”

      i take GREAT offense to that as a pitbull rescue worker, and heavy advocate of the breed; thats one hell of an UNEDUCATED and IGNORANT statement. im a huge angelina fan.. but dont compare her haters to pitbulls. i spend my days fighting to save the lives of animals that die every day in shelters bc of ignorance and hateful judgement. judgement provoked by crimials that fight them and abuse their loyalty and athleticism.

      search cute pitbull youtube videos..look up pitbull facts. a child is 800 times more likely to be killed by a parent than the family pitbull.

      • Wendy says:

        You’d think Katherine would love them. After all, she and the rest of the die hard Loons have been true believers of all of the Pitt-Bull they’ve been fed for the last 7 years. 😉

      • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

        @katie, keep up the good work! I have a pitbull and two small children (who torture the poor dog). My pit adores, loves and protects those boys. Anyone who doubts their capacity to be good pets should google “pitbull nanny dog.”

      • EatCake says:


        She was making a (cute)side-eye reference to the post on JA’s new pup and how the “jen hens” would be all over that shit now…

        smh ^insert eye roll here^

        you’re the one coming off ignorant 🙁

        EDIT: or shall i say uninformed? lol

  4. Original Chloe says:

    I understand exactly why someone might not but I loved it, the whole package (the pose, the smile, the dress).

    There’s something very fresh, youthful and radiant, and yes – silly and funny, in her look; she looks like a girl going to a party and having fun. Like I said, I loved it.

    • Original Chloe says:

      btw. Community is back! Yay!

    • Floridaseaturtle says:

      ^This. You worded perfectly what my impression was. Even if she was a little high, or had some cocktail(s), who cares. She did almost look giggly. No matter what, if this was a bad moment for her (?)…just wow! Whiplash-wow.

  5. Biio says:

    The leg thing while posing was so embarrasing, desperate and cheap poor thing, LOL

    But the best moment was when one of the descendants writers made fun of Angelina, imitating her leg pose, funny funny, ahahhaha

    Her pose presenting was the joke of the ceremony!

    Well, now everyone is making fun of her, cool!

  6. Lem says:

    I love Angelina. That was absurd

    The screenwriters made my night. Classic moment.

    • Ally says:

      And if she really wanted her leg to show, I’m sure that the Versace atelier would have been more than happy to recut it for her or move the lower part of the dress.

      The spread-eagle pose was not elegant and was uncomfortably self-conscious, and detracted from an otherwise great look on her — she needs the bulk of velvet!

    • DrM says:

      I really like Ange and Brad…but I don’t like that dress on her. And the pose DOES look odd…even I has a die hard Ange fan have to admit that…

  7. LadyJane says:

    She is beautiful (you always have to say that when discussing Angie). But her entire display last night was ridiculous and completely lacked self awareness. The way she cocked her hip, puffed out her bustle and stuck out her leg on the red carpet was the opposite of effortless grace. I was embarrassed for her, as I was when Jim Rash made fun of her.

    • Maguita says:

      It made me wonder if Brad’s mother makes her feel uncomfortable?

      Angelina is always very self-assured and poised on the red carpet, and when presenting. What was different yesterday, was that Brad’s parents were there. So it made me wonder if Jane Pitt made Ange over-act, and be so nervous?

      • DeeVine says:

        Maybe it was seeing Goopy looking amazing? Have they crossed paths at a big event before? Defenders are going to say she is way above Goopy, but AJ always seems like a competitive woman to me and attention hogger, so I wouldn’t put it past her. Otherwise I can’t explain this behavior. I mean, it was Brad’s big night, why try to hog the spotlight?

    • crazydaisy says:

      I felt the same way. TOO MUCH. Brad looked like he was kind of embarrassed for her, also. Maybe she feels she’s not getting enough attention lately? She sure wasn’t getting it last night for her directorial debut. So why not her leg?

  8. Missy Mara says:


    • samanthalous says:

      Thank you, she shut out every woman there all she need was a gun on her side cause she was killing them.

  9. sarah says:

    I love AJ, but did she seem drunk or stoned to anyone else?

    • Kathy says:


    • paola says:

      Yes definetely! She was smiling and laughing all the time!

    • Rachel says:

      She walked up to the micophone, struck a Vouge Madonna pose then fluffed her lines.
      The only excuse I can think of is buzzed on kids cough syrup.

    • mia girl says:

      Yes, yes, yes.

    • EmmaStoneWannabe says:

      hahaha love these comments.

      • sharylmj says:

        I love these two, but she was definately on something, or drunk!! not at all her normal behavior!!! It was so weird to watch her like that.. Brad seemed oblivious…

    • Tazina says:

      Angelina and Brad probably had a toke before the event. Who cares? That dress is absolutely meant to have the leg sticking out. So if you are going to wear that style of dress you have to stick the leg out or the dress will not hang right. I thought they both looked good.

      • Claudia says:

        Trust me, it will hang right. I’ve seen numerous red carpet dresses with slits, and they hang perfectly fine without having to stick your leg out like you’re aiming to trip someone. It was silly.

    • Maria_Spain says:

      ajam XD,im kind of tyred of her bitchy-face and act…and she needs a good meal :p

  10. G says:

    Funny and gorgeous. No foul no harm.

    • Bohemia says:

      I LOVE IT! can’t stop giggling! it’s a little goofy of her…LOL! Can’t believe it, haha! She must’ve practiced in the mirror for an hour… 🙂

      • crazydaisy says:

        She totally practiced, with the arm, too. But she should have made Brad practice with her, because he didn’t know where to put his hand. His hand was homeless. Or hipless, as the case may be.

  11. Marjalane says:

    Nuh-uh! Those screenwriters were totally making fun of her and then realized that they better backpedal it fast- She’s ANGELINA! I can’t decide what she was high on, but it was something- she had trouble with her lines, she had a substance driven goofy smile, AND THE LEG! The leg with her hand on her hip and then the giggle. It was bizarre. And ther dress was ugly and ill fitting to boot!

    • LadyJane says:

      Cosign. That whole ‘loving tribute’ thing was a crafty bit of PR from Jim Rash. Even the looniest of loonies should know the difference between someone laughing at you as opposed to with you. This was definitely the former, not the latter.

    • bella says:

      YUP. Agreed – it was total back-peddling and he was so mocking her and not in a complimentary way. She made a fool of herself. She had to be on something or maybe she’s cracked up? God knows she lost her mind years ago when she was with BBT.

      • Esmom says:

        Her posing and demeanor reminded me of how she was during the BBT era…it was like her old (true?) self was on display. Bizarre.

    • layla says:


      Jim Rash is brilliant.

      Watch COMMUNITY! (the best show you are probably NOT watching on tv)

  12. dorothy says:

    The constant let action all night was comical.

  13. marge says:

    that’s some ridiculous posing. Maybe if se had gone with a less heavy fabric (is that velvet?) it would have been more natural. she looks like she just got off a horse.

    still, beautiful woman.

  14. DeeDee says:

    Another day another boring black dress. WTF with these poses. Is she channeling Posh?

  15. Cherry says:

    Honestly, I thought that leg-posing was pretty weird. Why did she have to do that? It’s not like she’s some B-list bimbo who needs to flash her assets in order to stand out. It wasn’t about her last night, she was just there to escort her guy. We get it, Angie. You have great legs. Put it away now, please. Also, I feel like I’ve seen her in this exact same dress a billion times before. Black, strapless, high split. Boring.

    • Elke says:

      Ah yes, If you look back over the past couple of years’ Oscar Red Carpet photos, you will see the star of the B-List Bimbos, Paz de la Huerta, posing in the same way as Ang. Hate to admit it but Paz does it better. Ang just looked so uncomfortable and awkward to me.

    • eileen says:

      I got the feeling that in some weird way she was feeling competitive with Stacy-George’s girl of the moment. Stacy’s been dressing very glamorous for these events and in the past Angelina has been kind of drab and matronlly -which works since she does not have to really call attention to her sexiness-its all there naturally. But for some reason she wanted to make a statement….she went overboard.

  16. Dredz says:

    I could actually hear cameramen yelling at her to show some legs, thus the pose. I love her hair + makeup, but the dress is so-so, if only she wore some COLORS… She could have had her pick of any dresses, what a pity

  17. Anne de Vries says:

    she always comes across as somebody who doesn’t take herself that seriously, so I think and hope she was cracking up.

  18. Esmom says:

    That pose was so unnatural it just begged to be mocked. Although in my opinion doing it right in front of her was kind of audaciously disrespectful.

    Side note, did anyone else think the leg she worked so hard to showcase just didn’t look that great? It was so pale and waxy looking and, of course, way too scrawny!

    • Asli says:

      Agreed. Legs are not her best asset.

    • Wendy says:

      And trying to make presenting an Oscar all about your “hotness” while you pose awkwardly rather than it being all about the winners isn’t audaciously disrespectful?

      Dude grabbed the attention back to right where it belonged. Good on him, no one likes to be upstaged when it’s supposed to be your moment.

    • Lee says:

      Watching the pre-show with my husband, we finally caught a glimpse of AJ. His response? “OMG! What’s wrong with that knee? It looks mangled!!” What he meant, poor dear, was that it was simply scrawny. Men, in my experience, like a little “roundness” in the female shape. He really is unmoved by AJ, while I think she is beautiful.

    • NYCgal says:

      I also agree with you. And there was something very masculine and aggresive in the pose, did you notice that? It was like she was squatting over a toilet.

      • podzol says:

        LOL! Now I can’t get the image out of my head of a turkish toilet squat stand. Michael K of DListed wrote a HILARIOUS post on RightLegGate this morning!

    • Raven says:

      I didn’t think the leg looked bad. The pose was bad judgment, I think, and not like her.

      But the real issue for me was her arms. I’ve never felt the need to comment on her weight before. But the camera adds pounds and those arms were strange. Did you notice that her shoulders were bulked up, but from her mid arms down, she looked like an escapee from a concentration camp. I like this woman a lot, but her arms were actually uncomfortable for me to look at.

    • SnowLeopard says:

      That’s exactly what I was thinking. She really does not have the greatest legs – too boney, too scrawny looking. She seemed out place last night. She is very beautiful, but I don’t believe for one minute that it is all natural. She’s had something done. Therefore, she is not naturally that beautiful.

  19. lil ole me says:

    She was TRYING HER BEST to make it look like she has a curvy figure. Everyone knows she is shaped straight as a rail. Ya, and the leg looked DEAD and creepy. Sorry .She bores me

  20. Samigirl says:

    My husband has always thought Jenn was hotter, but when I showed him that picture of Angelina (I love the b*tch), his jaw dropped and he said, “Oh sh*t. Damn. She’s sexy.” Direct Quote. And I concur.

    • Myopinioncounts says:

      That boney leg sticking out of a black dress and it is a pale leg at that is what your husband thinks is sexy? Check his eyes or his thought processes.

      • Kate says:

        jealous much? stfu!

      • Samigirl says:

        He’s an engineer. I don’t think there is anything wrong with his thought process 😉

      • Samster says:

        whats wrong with a pale leg? or are we all supposed to fake and bake and not embrace our natural skin tone? Seriously I live in a Guidette dominated area of NY where the average skin color in February is ORANGE and sooooooooooo many women would be more beautiful if they just embraced the pale like Dita Von Teese. Porcelain skin >>> Orange.

      • aprayerforthewildatheart says:

        Every other star who does the spray-tan gets made fun of relentlessly. A lot of people think AJ’s too thin and they’re saying it, but disliking her natural skin color, that she can’t change? Fine, that’s your opinion on AJ, and her *gasp!* pale skin.

        The fact is, questioning the intelligence level of Samigirl’s husband is a personal attack on her. That’s reaching pretty far to be insulting to another poster just because you don’t agree with them.

      • Freya says:

        You must prefer people who spray themselves orange.
        Angelina has long, slim legs. Much better than short legs sprayed orange!

    • Becky says:

      Why dont I believe you?
      I know because you bought Jenn into conversation.

      • Samigirl says:

        Well, it bears saying, as on the Jenn V Angie battle in our house, we are on opposite sides. He’s never said AJ was sexy is all. But don’t believe all you want. I never asked you to.

    • Maguita says:

      This is an Angelina post. Jenn has nothing to do with it.. Unless you are mature enough to judge them both by the same standards. So imagine if it were Jenn shoving her leg in our faces, laughing nervously and muffing up her lines dramatically, what would your kind words be toward her?

      Back to Angie, a beyond unearthly beautiful creature, who yesterday unfortunately did not act her best, and while trying to showcase her dress, it quite sadly highlighted how skinny she had gotten to be. Really want to make her eat something, and quit the fricking Jesus juice.

      • Samigirl says:

        If you’d had read my post, you’d see why I brought JA in to it. It’s not for a Jenn Hen V Brangeloonie battle on the page, it’s just pointing out that my husband doesn’t like AJ, and even he thought she looked sexy last night.
        I *rarely* comment on AJ posts, and I’ve never brought JA up before, so don’t sit here and lambaste me or question my maturity when I’m just making a point. Especially when I’ve never seen either ONE of you post on this site before. Go attack someone else, bc I’m f*cking done with the “lurkers attacking regular posters” trend that’s becoming more and more popular lately.

      • Maguita says:

        Ah, but we’ve seen YOU post before though, and yes, you do tend to bring Jenn into the equation. Calling us lurkers and swearing does not make you any more a regular poster than the rest of us dear.

        But again, it is not a you post, or a Jenn one. Angelina was a bit erratic, and Brad a bit sad. Hope all is good in their land of honey.

      • Samigirl says:

        Fact is…if you don’t post regularly, you are considered *gasp* a lurker.
        Now, since you are all knowing in the history of MY posts, show me where I’ve ever brought Jenn in the equation, first and foremost. Since you’ve seen it before. I may have commented on another posters initial post where THEY brought JA in the equation, but never before than in this instance. Have fun pouring over archives of Angie posts. There’s one on either page 4 or 5 on this site. That’s a good place to start.

      • Maguita says:

        Honey, I have a job, and a life. And as you said, I DON’T post that much, but I do take the time and read CeleBitchy and the comments daily.

        So, either you are saying that the regular readers have no right to post because they do not comment as often as you do, or you are saying that you should be allowed to shut everybody up, because you feel the need to shove your opinion on everyone, everyday.

        Sami, you have suddenly given me a craving for commenting. But I’ll make sure to stick to the subject at hand. Like I tend to, and not blame everyone else for getting me off subject, and discussing JA.

      • Samigirl says:

        What I’m saying is, if you don’t comment, don’t comment on here just to attack someone. There are at least 1 other poster on this thread that have brought her up, yet I don’t see you attacking them. That’s getting off the subject at hand, yes?

        As for me shoving my opinions on everyone? The only things anyone will ever hear me go on and on about (other than AJ today, apparently)? “Gay” rights and children. My 2 biggest passions. If you want an opinion shoved down your throat, I can point you in other directions, dear.
        I’ll admit the pregnancy hormones have me a little pissy this morning, but it doesn’t change the fact that what you said to me was uncalled for. Now, why don’t you get back to that life and job. I’ll do the same. Tax season, so this accountant is a busy woman.

      • Abbie says:

        If you post a comment on a public forum you must expect a rebuttal.
        Since you posted a comment that included 2/3 of the unholy triangle in a post that had nothing what so ever to do with Jenn, the only conculsion is that you were trolling for attention.

        Now that you have the attention you retreat, because you assumed that others would agree with you, which has not been the case in this instance.

        I suggest if you dont enjoy “lurkers attacking regular posters”, such as yourself you keep your opinions between you and your husband.

        BTW lurkers such as myself maybe normally at work and cant partake in real time, thus not being a regular poster. This doesnt mean we are not part of the Celebitchy community and can not have our say.

    • Kara Ann says:

      Hey Samigirl,

      I’m an Aniston fan but just wanted to say I’m completely with you. Your post wasn’t crazy or ugly. I don’t know where posters get off lately with the attacking!!!

      • Samigirl says:

        Thank you dear. Wasn’t meant in any disrespect to JA at all, as I try to remain as respectful to others. Emphasis on try. I’m done defending my comment. I’m not going to get upset because people on the interwebz didn’t like what I said!

    • sassenach says:

      You know, Angie is not my husband’s type at all but he thinks she is beautiful. He likes a more of a Beyonce/Gabrielle Union type of look but even he thought Angie was hot except for the leg. Said it makes him sad that she is starving the hot away.

    • Freya says:

      Your husband is right! She is!

      I think when Angelina sees a video of herself, presenting, she’ll be laughing, in stitches, “What the hell did I do.”

      Yes, it was silly, funny AND gorgeous!

  21. Myopinioncounts says:

    I mean it was in EVERY picture so it was a move she either thought to be funny or she was already drunk before the show began. It really showed her lack of great class. She had a beautiful dress and could have at least been his proud moment of the night knowing he would loose, but no she had to ruin the entire night for him.

  22. Anne says:

    She kinda looks a bit desperate. Why would she have to pose like that? Bizarre.

  23. Frayed_Edges says:

    I thought she looked awful. Her hair looked really unstyled, as if she hadn’t even brushed it. The dress was black, as usual, snore. The pose – she looks like she’s sharted and is trying to air it out. Come on Ange – she must have every designer/dresser/hairstyler/bridal diaper at her disposal, and she chooses to come looking like this.

  24. ELA says:

    I think she looks like cr*p. her hair is a mess, that dress is horrible – like a pair of old curtains and way too much material.I wouldn’t mind if she had nice legs – scrawny looking leg sticking out of a curtain. awful

    • jes_sayin says:

      I’m surprised no one has commented… you can clearly see her “hair head band” extensions in these pictures.

      And seriously, poor girl looks SO emaciated.

    • trish says:

      The hair looked badly done and it was different shades of something! The dress looked like it was made out of heavy duty curtains, her look up stare looked arrogant. Brad looked as if he did not want his hand on her waist, and he looked mystified. Her arms looked terribly thin and her pose looked stupid. If a stylist was involved, they are not up to scratch. If she chose the look, it says it all.

  25. Po says:

    Yeah, I think people are going to make more out of this then there actually is. She did a stupid pose at an award show and some writers made fun of it. Period.

  26. paola says:

    The dress was beautiful, but it looked really heavy to me and it made angelina even skinnier. That leg was just tacky, i don’t see the point of sticking that skinny leg out of that dress constantly in every picture and on stage, it was just very tacky and gross. she looked completely drunk to me

  27. Bad Gal Addiction says:

    Was she high as a kite?! That posing was ridiculous. I thought she was about to dance a Can-Can.

  28. Dibba says:

    She looked nice. Glad to see she was wearing red lipstick, which I suggested here before so AJ must read our comments. The leg thing was just weird and awkward to say the least. I LOL when the guy who won struck that pose! Then I felt embarrassed for AJ. She was doing it on red carpet too. So odd and desperate. Reminded me of that chick from Glee

  29. Abby says:

    I am pretty neutral on Angelina in general. I think Brad Pitt is hot when he’s not looking homeless. Last night they both looked incredible. Angelina looked amazing. A bit too skinny but otherwise flawless. And I loved that those guys made fun of her pose. Its the new tebowing. I’ve been practicing.

  30. mln76 says:

    I love that on the morning after the Oscars all anyone can talk about is Angelina’s legs 🙂

    • Wendy says:

      Sounds to me more like everyone is talking about someone making fun of her awkward “look at my leg” posing.

      Don’t they practise these moves in a mirror to make sure they don’t look silly?

    • Biio says:

      Well, people have talk to make fun of the most embarrassing moment, lol

    • mln76 says:

      Still they are talking about her….some love her, some hate her but she’s had yet another iconic moment.

      • Wendy says:

        Okayyyyyyyyyy… if you count being called out on stage on live TV for being a “posehard” iconic.

      • Becky says:

        Iconic? No. Embarrassing, cringe worthy, puzzling. Yes.

      • NYCgal says:

        It was hardly an “iconic moment,” but one that will be remembered as bizarre moments in her career that displays her true character. Much like the odd behavior that marked when Whitney Houston began her descend.

        She made a fool out of herself, but I’m not surprised. She always came across as insecure and not that bright to me. And perhaps borderline mentally ill.

      • mln76 says:

        Sort of sad that you are wishing someone to have a Whitney Houston like breakdown, you might want to take a moment and think about that it’s a pretty twisted thing to wish on anyone…It was a funny moment and it will go down in Oscar history.

      • Amanda says:

        Stop twisting other peoples comments.
        @NYCgal wished no such thing on AJ. The only one twisted is you to think she meant such a thing.

        As for AJ, the moment will go down in history as an AJ Fail.

    • anon says:

      🙂 good times

  31. Bohemia says:

    wtf is wrong with people? cant a woman be happy for no reason? Angie is subdued a lot of the time. but long time fans know she has a fun, spontaneous side. She is a HW star, if anyone should be pose-harding, it should be her. GAWD! I don’t begrudge Lea Michele or Paula Patton for any of their pose-harding. GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN.

    • Mari says:


      Funny how peoplenwho love to criticize her are happy spewing negativity, meanwhile, she probably was having fun and now, enjoying her family.
      Firstbsheis criticized because she is snotty and whatever, and now that she let it loose a bit, she is being called on like she killed someone, and comparing her with people who had tragic endings, blah.

      • Wendy says:

        Ahhh, so say those who bash Pitt’s ex-wife for going to Mexico on vacation, drinking margaritas and having fun while on holidays.

        I’m glad AJ was having “fun”, too bad everyone else just thought she looked ridiculous.

  32. chloew says:

    i still can’t believe the way she behaved – was that planned? didn’t she know how idiotic that looked? no one told her? come on….it was just embarassing.

  33. Len says:

    I felt so embarassed for her when she did in on stage! My lord. She looked very insecure. For a moment there it felt like you could see the real Angelina behind all the Angelina’s she has portrayed to the world. She looked vulnerable for a split second when she took on the pose and the audience laughed.

    • vic says:

      Agreed and she flubbed her lines. I just imagined Aniston at home, stoned and laughing her ass off.

      • anonymous says:

        Vic Says: I can imagine JA at home laughing. I can imagine Jennifer Aniston at home crying, but for something else. For all the promoting and break dancing her boyfriend did, Wunderlust bombed at the box office.
        Most of the commtators are just jealous, Angelina Jolie looked stunning the best dressed at the oscars, this nonsense about her leg, in this day and age, JA goes around flashing her nudity with only a necktie around her neck, and hypocrits on here talking about a human leg? Give me a break!

      • sassenach says:

        Pretty sure Jen was at home stoned and depressed that she had another flop on her hands and has every asking “Why is Jennifer Aniston still getting roles.”

    • paola says:

      Exactly my thought, she finally emerged from all the things she wants us to believe under the influence of alcohol. she looked drunk or at least stoned to me.

    • Kara Ann says:

      Your post really resonates with me. I feel like AJ is always hyper-aware of how she presents herself. That’s not a bad thing but it seems like she is so focused on presenting a certain facade that you rarely get to see the real her. I’ve not thought so recently but I now suspect that she was doing some sort of drug last night. Hopefully, it was a one off thing.
      I’m not a fan of AJ but I do feel a little bad for her b/c that was really cringe-worthy. Regardless of that, that guy with his statue pose-harding like her was hilarious!

  34. Dibba says:

    Maybe she was trying to be funny?

    • Bohemia says:

      I’m dead certain she was trying to let lose… trying to be fun… rather than somber UN ambassador serious-chic.

    • LadyJane says:

      Yes, Angie is constantly mocking herself, joking and having a laugh. She never takes herself too seriously. That she was trying to be funny MUST be the only solution. I am certain that display was meant to be ironic. Totally.

      • Dibba says:

        Lady Jane are you being sarcastic!? I am grasping at straws here, I know.

      • LadyJane says:

        Yes, that was sarcasm, Dibba. Apparently I need to work on the intensity of my scarcastic tone if anyone thought I was being genuine.

    • CookieJar says:

      If she had done the leg pose once or twice on the red carpet with a huge smile on her face, it would have been really funny. If it was a calculated thing, she should have stopped there. It was a huge mistake to continue it on stage, and disrespectful to the event and the winners.

      • ataylor says:

        She apparently had done the pose earlier in rehearsals and had gotten a laugh from the crew. I think since she flubbed up her lines a bit in the beginning, she decided she would just go all out and do the pose again for the laugh.

  35. Waldemar says:

    She could have had her legs in her neck, I don’t care. Great smile, beautiful face, always a joy to look at.

  36. JudyK says:

    No critcism AT ALL from me–if I had a gorgeous, perfect leg like that, I would be sticking it out too.

    Her dress was PERFECT, her makeup was perfect, her shoes were perfect, her jewelry was perfect. She is EXQUISITE, GORGEOUS, and understated–a number of women could learn a thing or two from observing AJ.

    • Bohemia says:

      +1. I’ll agree it was kinda ridiculous! But i still think she was just trying to have fun! Maybe her enablers asked her to do it… stylist, make-up artist, and the like…

  37. really says:

    i like AJ, but she really is starting to look like a wax mannequin. she has such a gorgeous and unique face that’s going to look generic and pitiable if she doesn’t lay off the cosmetic procedures.

    • Cherry says:

      Cosign. She’s still really beautiful and crazy charismatic- but I don’t like the direction she’s headed. Yes, waxy is the right word. She just doesn’t really look human anymore.

      • Esmom says:

        I feel like someone might have told her that so last night was her effort to seem looser. What a contrast to the other awards show (Golden Globes) where she wore the white dress with the red detail. She seemed so uber-serious then…but last night she veered a bit too far in the other direction.

  38. abc says:

    Sure, it was a ‘loving tribute’. I mean, what else are they going to say? She looked ridiculous and a little bit of grace and humility wouldn’t hurt, so I’m glad he mocked her. At least it put an end to her tacky antics.

  39. abc says:

    Sure, it was a ‘loving tribute’. I mean, what else are they going to say? She looked ridiculous and a little bit of grace and humility wouldn’t hurt, so
    I’m glad he mocked her. At least it put an end to her tacky antics.

  40. horizonte says:

    i love her, but the posing with the leg was ridiculous!!! makes leah michele look low maintenance! and kaiser, admit it, had it been anyone else, you would have eviscerated them.

    • Rachel says:

      Kaiser never used to be so pro Angie, I think the Loons got to her.
      Its good for hits though, this site being one of only a handful of websites that treat Angie like she defecates gold nuggets.

  41. Anastasia says:

    I LOVE Angelina, but I was shaking my head when she did that on stage. I felt embarrassed for her! And now I see she was doing that on the red carpet?

    What the hell???

  42. Siren6 says:

    Maybe she just wanted to draw the attention away from her skeletal arms? It seems to have worked!

    I actually thought she looked lovely. She’s made for the red carpet.

    • jamie says:

      Those arms! I’ve always liked Angelina and never really paid any attention to the tabloid stuff about her weight, she always looked fine if a bit skinny. But seeing those arms on live TV last night was really startling.

  43. Rachel says:

    Angie was trying way to hard with her posing, her hair was horrid, and her cheeks were sunken, which was very noticable when she spoke.

    I have read comments that people thought she was sexy, but sexy isnt this try hard, sexy comes from within, not from gratuitous leg flashing.

  44. Greenraygirl says:

    She looks as if she’s riding an invisible horse.

  45. cmc says:

    This is kind of what I picture Lea Michele acting like on the Oscar red carpet (if she ever gets invited).

    And I say that as a certifiable Brangeloonie.

  46. Carol says:

    The leg mocking was one of my favorite moments of the night, even better than JLo having to say Edith Head’s line about how a woman’s dress should be loose enough to show she’s a lady.

  47. Bohemia says:

    GAWD!!! looooling! I can’t stop giggling at all of her pics! she’s actually gone ‘comedic’ on me here!

  48. Zoey says:

    I think she looked gorgeous as usual and really happy……which was nice. I don’t know what to make of the leg thing, she obviously knew what she was doing. But all I could think of was those skinny, anorexic looking arms….ugh.

    • Justaposter says:


      I actually like the way she looks in the photos but watching her presenting at the Oscars, the only thing I could think was “Oh honey please eat!”

  49. tmbg says:

    Where can I see a clip of her presenting the award and doing the pose? I can’t find one anywhere!

    The dress is OK. Her hair and makeup are great.

  50. Aiobhan says:

    Can I be greedy and say all three? I love her but felt second hand embarrassment at the way that she was posing. Not Lea Michelle grossness but like watching a friend, who is clearly three sheets to the wind, trying to be sober. She looked hot as usual and I cannot find fault in the way that she dressed. Her faux Captain Morgan pose is a little too much but she looked happy and that is one of the things that I always want her to look like. A fifteen pound weight gain would be another wish.

  51. anya says:

    Beautiful dress!

  52. Rosalee says:

    she look beautiful as always..but the leg thing was a bit too much. Her legs are too skinny to be sexy. But, she looked great, so she had a few sips in the limo – at least Brad didn’t say they had sex.

  53. mia girl says:

    I felt embarrassed for Jolie on the red carpet and the lack of self-awareness she had about it. She held the pose the entire time she was speaking to interviewers! I would never have expected it from Jolie; it is a side of her that we lay fans are not used to seeing. It was almost surreal to watch.

    When she came on stage and struck the pose again, it really was a WTF moment and ripe for the mocking.
    Based on the expression on her face (and the lack of the pose) when she had to present the next award, I don’t think she was too pleased by the screenwriters impromptu tribute to her.

    • Annie says:

      Definitely very strange and try-hard. And not even in an “I’m a try hard but I own it” sort of way like Lea Michelle, but in a high or drunken non-self aware sort of way. She looked beautiful, but her behavior was hard to watch.

  54. Bohemia says:


  55. rose80 says:

    Umm, it kinda came off attention whoreish. And Kaiser, stop kidding yourself…if it were anyone else you would have thought that it was desperate. She’s one of the biggest movie stars out there, she doesn’t need to stoop to JLo levels of “look at me” on the red carpet or the stage. And I honestly don’t the guys would say anything bad about her, but they were obviously making fun of her. I kinda agree with other posters that she might been a little buzzed on something.

  56. Jill says:

    I thought it was funny. She was vamping it up and enjoying it. The camera guys were yelling “Show some leg” and she complied. It looked like a very if you got it, flaunt it pose and let’s face it, she’s got it. She totally bought the sexy but it looked more like she was parodying it. I liked it that she didn’t take herself seriously.

    • Rachel says:

      No one was yelling ‘show some leg’ when she was on stage.
      I guess it was still echoing in that big head of hers.

      • Jill says:

        You must have missed it. The cameramen were yelling it when she was going up to the stage. You could hear it.

    • OriginalTiffany says:

      I didn’t get to see the show live, but I don’t care about the leg. I thought she looked beautiful, sexy and amazing. Very sexy.
      Why can’t a thin woman still have a sexy leg? The face is gorgeous. Too shiny for me, but gorg.

      I don’t think she usually looks this good, the dress gave her a nice figure. I reserve my opinion on her behavior until I see it.

  57. DappaDaph says:

    I thought she was just having fun like Jennifer and Cameron. I’m sure sitting there on hours in dresses you can’t even go pee in has to start to go to your head. The only thing I noticed was her arms are very thin and she could definitely eat a Happy Meal or two. If I had 6 kids, star or not, I hope I could look this damn good.

  58. Sue says:

    Too funny! I think she was signaling Billy Bob! “I’ll send Bradie home to take care of the kiddies, lets hit the limo for some pre-oscar fun!” Or my other theory is she was showing Jennifer A. that she got her man with this boney chicken leg…. It’s a toss up!

    Oh and not matter what you post, not changing my mind….. 🙂

  59. whosnatch says:

    I truly don’t believe they each wake up in the morning trying to decide how to best the other, though I would argue for a rivalry still exists.

    Having said that, wasn’t Jen supposed to present at the Oscars? So when Angie started down the red carpet practically spread eagle, she would have assumed Jen was there, right?

    I feel this is Angie’s way of one-upping her again and again. Jen’s attendance is the only difference I can think of between this event and all the others when Angie wouldn’t be caught dead trying so hard. And posing with her leg out like that is too desperate for a women who considers herself Saint Teresa in Louboutins.

    • Jill says:

      Do you really believe Angie ever spares Aniston a thought? Why would she? Aniston is ancient history.

      • whosnatch says:

        No I don’t believe they generally think of each other. However in situations where they are going to be compared ad nauseum (and let’s be honest that is almost always the case on the red carpet) there is a bit of a rivalry. They are in the same field and one is with the other’s ex. I’m not especially self conscious, but when I know I am going to be around my boyfriend’s beautiful ex I put a little extra effort into looking nice. Does it consume me, no, but we are in the same circle, have shared the same man, and comparisons are occasionally made. It’s the nature of the beast.

      • Jill says:

        After seven years, I doubt your boyfriend’s beautiful ex is concerned with how good you look, seeing as she is probably looking good for somebody else. And I don’t think Angelina has ever been concerned about what Aniston — or anybody but Brad — thinks about her. That’s one of the reasons I like her; she is totally her own person.

    • Rhea says:

      I don’t think both women spend their time thinking to upping each other in case the other come also to the red carpet or just to show off and being smug since the other one is not coming…. they have a life and other more important things on their mind, you know….I mean at least when I see Jen or Angie posing for the red carpet, it never crossed my mind “Oh!Jen is kissing Justin to show Angie that she is now having a boyfriend!” or “Angie is looking smug when she was on the red carpet holding Brad, she must have been sending a message for Jen that Brad is her and she should back off!!” That is the kind of “body-language reading drama” that In Touch usually do. 🙂

    • Wendy says:

      No, she wasn’t supposed to be presenting and never gave any indication that she was even planning on attending the show. This one is all AJ doing something weird for her own reasons.

      • JudyJudyJudy says:

        ridiculous. brad was nominated and you think she had to indicate she was going?
        r u 4 real?

      • Wendy says:

        Here Judy, allow me to bring down the bit in the post above that I was responding to, as you seem to have trouble following, despite the nested comments:

        “Having said that, wasn’t Jen supposed to present at the Oscars? So when Angie started down the red carpet practically spread eagle, she would have assumed Jen was there, right?”

  60. Erin says:

    I didn’t like the dress because of the slit. It just looked awkward. However, I think she is flat out beautiful. I didn’t care for her lighter hair, but it doesn’t really matter when you look like she does.

  61. Kate #2 says:

    You know, she’s usually stunningly beautiful and very composed. Here, she was posing worse than Lea Michele, and (embarrassingly) less gracefully. Just… WHAT?

    It’s odd, because otherwise she looked lovely. Black velvet really suits her and she is just so incredibly beautiful. But her leg at that angle… oh dear.

  62. Rhea says:

    Normally she’s not the type who likes to strike a pose that much. But she did a lot in the red carpet to show the split and(gasp!) when reading the nominee. She even did the pose intentionally before start reading that I felt she’s doing it to make fun of herself and when Rash copied that it felt even funnier!! Someone might told her backstage to do that pose since she’s doing that posing a lot in the red carpet and she did it for the fun. I don’t think she was desperate in trying too hard since she normally not do that. If it’s KK or Lohan I would say so. She had more lively expression than her usual regal vibe so I think she was in a good spirit last night. BUT I kind of wish she wore something with color!! Like the green dress that she wore when she was pregnant… that’s truly breathtaking… 🙂

    • Toe says:

      The pose looked totally staged. It’s not her style at all to pose like that. If you check older pics/vids she was -never a super-poser.
      I think this was staged. It was funny to watch though.

      • Jane says:

        I’m starting to wonder if all these ppl who are making excuses for her odd posing last night are being sarcastic, or they lost it just like Angie did. I am not an AJ hater either, but clearly, she lost it last night. Trying to be funny or not, I would never do that on a highly televised event unless it was for a comedy show.

      • Rhea says:

        @Jane : Nah, I am not trying to find an excuse. Merely sharing my opinion since that is not her usual pose. At the red carpet she DID posing for showing the showcase of the gown.
        Someone might make a joke about that and she thought it was funny to do it again on the stage.
        If you see the show last night, she was having a huge smiling even BEFORE she posed. Clearly laughing at herself. IF she was trying to be sexy, she would put her usual vampy-man-eater-pout plus the killer cat’s eye gaze as a final blow 🙂 If she did that I would be the one who right away shout that she was trying hard to look sexy on stage!!

    • Esmom says:

      I would have bought that it was a joke if she was presenting with someone…then they could have found a way to clarify that it was a gag. But since she was alone I tend to think it was not a joke. Or maybe an inside joke. Because there was no payoff…still scratching my head over it.

  63. spinner says:

    I felt totally embarrassed for her. She just looked like she was trying so hard to be desirable. She & Brad don’t appear to be very cozy either. Off night??

    • Esmom says:

      They did seem more out of sync than usual. Maybe because Brad’s parents were there? I was shocked that Tim Gunn interviewed Brad alone. It was my first glimpse of Brad and at first I thought he came without her.

  64. mikeal says:

    I for one love the ridiculous pose,to me it was AJ not taking herself too seriously,she was giving a little of the wild Angie and from all the photos I have seen she seemed relaxed and having a good time.

  65. Josephina says:

    I thought the leg pose was Angie being playful and naughty…sort of like Catwoman… at the same time.

    I got a huge kick out of it when the guys came up and did the same pose.

    For me it was all entertainment. As you can see all eyes are on her at all times.

    People were twittering at 3,400 posts per minute about her leg.

  66. Julie says:

    there must have been something going on.

    she behaved like a c list actress who needs the attention but is highly insecure and doesnt know how to pose sexy and we all know she is the opposite of that.

    • jojo says:

      I agree, my theory is that Emma Stone made her jealous. Am I the only one who was totally blown away with Emma? I think la Jolie saw the up and coming ingenue’s charisma and charm, and decided to try to “show her how its done.” But because Jolie is horrible and improv, and not really a responsive performer, she blew it hard. Angie is beautiful but she doesn’t have the chops emma has, even though emma is less experienced.

  67. lucy2 says:

    I didn’t see it, but just from the photos, it’s classic Lea Michelle pose-hard. Why? And I’m kind of tired of her doing the high slit dress.
    The guys’ posing was funny, but I don’t know that I’m buying the “loving tribute” so much as “she’s being ridiculous, let’s make fun of it”. She doesn’t strike me as having much of a sense of humor, I could see her being less than thrilled but she’d never admit it!

    I love that Dean Pelton now has an Oscar. What a world.

  68. Kerfuffles says:

    I thought the posing was…weird. But maybe she did it so people would talk about that and not her weight. I honestly gasped when I saw her arms while presenting. Those are the arms of a woman with an eating disorder. She is just painfully underweight.

    I think 99.9% of all tabloid stories about her are made-up trash. But last night, from her appearance to her behavior, I really felt like there were proverbial alarm bells going off that something not-right is going on with this woman at the moment.

    • jc126 says:

      I have to agree. I gasped when I saw her on TV. She looked painfully thin, emaciated. Far, far thinner than she usually does. I hope it is just that she is naturally a skinny-mini, and she loses weight when she’s busy or whatever, but goodness.
      The leg pose – maybe she was goofing around, an inside joke.

  69. Amanda says:

    I LOVE her lip color. I want it for myself. Her arms made me hurt to look at them though, they were like toothpicks 🙁

  70. mummy says:

    That is actually a gorgeous dress and it would have looked wonderful were it not for the leg thing. If a camera man asked her to do that then he should speak up and say so. But it seemed she did it more than a few times so I guess it was to her liking to pose that way.

  71. TheOriginalVictoria says:

    You know, a bitch can’t fucking win. 90% of the haters feel she is a do gooder with an agenda that has a stick up her ass. And the minute she does something a little crazy, HUMAN, goofy, (though I concede sister’s legs is not the business and she looked a little hungry) she is all blasted for it.

    What the hell do you want from her?

    She looked fabulous. One of the best dressed but my favs were Emma and Penelope and the chick with the kinky twists half up/half down do and the silver dress! Who is that girl?

    • Abbie says:

      I would agree with you, except her posing wasnt goofy. She was trying to be sexy and it came off as trying to hard.
      She can ooze sex with a look normally, but last night she was way off her game and it was just cringe worthy.
      Just suck it up to a bad day, no need call out haters for calling out the obvious.

      • TheOriginalVictoria says:

        I call out whomever I want whenever I want and call it as I see fit.

        I am not a diehard Angie fan. I like Brangie as a team. And I have no problem calling her out or complementing the other chick when it’s called for so I know how to be partial.

        I see bitchassness in almost all threads concerning Angelina. People stay hating and hating hard.

      • Abbie says:

        You can call out whoever you want, but Angie was having a bad day, and there really is no point defending her, the haters have it this round.

      • TheOriginalVictoria says:

        That is in your opinion because honestly, Angie has a bad day EVERYDAY when you are a hater. Nobody WON anything.

      • dena says:

        @Abbey, it’s funny how we perceive people. I don’t see s3x oozing from her at ALL. She’s pretty (prettier when she’s not a death camp-looking woman), but there’s zilch that’s sexy about her. It’s too put on, too affected.

        She was more fun before she became Mrs. Mother Teresa Pitt. 😛

  72. wuuuut!! says:

    Her Dallas dress and her posing hard doesn’t become her.She looks desperate and cheap working her scrawny leg like that in front of millions of people.She all bag of bones all over.And whats the sudden change of attitude,of all places,she choose oscar to do that,i think this is the real Angelina we’re witnessing here,the real Angelina that wears blood vile around her neck with Billy Bob Thorton to shocked people,only this time since no more blood to drain in her body,she shocked as with what she think her best asset ,her leg,she think wrong.

  73. ladybert62 says:

    Her chicken legs are hideous.

  74. NYCgal says:

    It was very aggressive and masculine posing – almost like she was going to whip out two pistols or squat over a toilet. It certainly wasn’t feminine, elegant or sexy. It would have been if she hadn’t constantly stuck her leg out in such weird, manly poses.

    But her choices and behavior have always been SO bizarre. Is anybody really surprised???

  75. Marianne says:

    I loved her gown. I think she looked stunning and sexy. Hated that stuck out her leg like Capatin Morgan at every chance.

  76. BlackMamba says:

    I didn’t see her on the red carpet so when she came on stage to present I thought the LEG thing was some kind of a joke that I didn’t get but after seeing the pictures, I realized that she was serious about it. WTF? She was behaving completely out of character last night and maybe that’s a good thing because often times she comes off humorless. That dress is gorgeous and her face in exquisite as usual but she would look better in it if she wasn’t so thin and didn’t stick her leg out like that.

  77. The Truth Fairy says:

    I wish she would dye her hair a dark ash brown. The lighter warm browns do nothing for her!

  78. Az says:

    Haters gonna hate, nothing you can do about that. I thought it was great. Very eff you all, I look awesome. Bethenny Frankel’s tweet summed it up perfectly. I thought it was tongue in cheek. What I didn’t like was the pose being credited to Angelina. Lea Michele came up with that pose and don’t you forget it!

  79. crazymary says:

    She came off as insecure and vapid. I could almost stand it if she had not opened her mouth with that dumb giggle. It just came off as so weird.

    And interestingly enough, I have a picture of myself at my junior prom with almost the same dress, big ass hair, bright RED lips AND my leg is that same F’d up pose.

    My junior prom was in 1985. So clearly I am a trendsetter. LOL.

  80. Ravensdaughter says:

    She was being a bad girl-I bet she and Brad had some little secret between them.
    She may have also been spoofing her old self, truly wild thing that she was.

    • Carlotta Love says:

      I wish that secret was a sandwich she would eat, followed by 20 more just like it. Is there any way to get food or nourishment directly to her limbs? Yiiiiikes.

  81. Mia says:

    I couldn’t focus on anything past her forehead during her presentation. So shiny and botoxed. She is only 36!

  82. Nev says:

    she is really pretty but starting to look lollipop…so skinny…not proportioned.

  83. Paloma says:

    Brad seemed rather sour, not into it, stand offish; cannot quite put my finger on it. Did they, perhaps, have words and Angie decided to flaunt herself? All of this seems extremely strange.

  84. NYCgal says:

    @Az: Bethanny Frankel is a narcissistic idiot, too, so figures you would quote her sticking-up for Jolie’s bizarre behavior. Bethanny’s behavior is equally as odd and self-serving.

  85. mew says:

    Her hair’s a mess, she’s standing on her own dress, she needs to spread her legs like “it’s free market” just to make the other leg show. Maybe she jumped on the carpet straight from bed, or maybe that’s what she wants people to think.

    The dress is absolutely horrid, way too much fabric and no idea what to do with it, it looks like the dress is about 20 sizes too big for her.

    One of her worst looks in my opinion.

    • alaina says:

      Thank God. Someone else seeing what I’m seeing. I like Angie and I usually think she looks great, even when she’s wearing one of her shapeless sack dress things, but this??? This is just woeful in every way. The dress itself is horrendous and totally swamps her, and the leg pose is quite frankly bizarre.

      She’s fine from the neck up but that has to rate as one of her biggest red carpet fails ever.

  86. lover says:


  87. Palina says:

    Has anyone noticed the hand-on-hip pose? This is such an unusul thing to do for Angie! Have a look at passed red carped appearances: She has never done this before

    Obviously she was tipsy. Makes me love her even more.

  88. LittleLoLo says:

    I think it was a great dress…but it reminded me so much of the one Aniston wore to…I believe the Golden Globes last year. I mean, it’s a basic black dress in a way, but I think it is funny because if it were reversed (and JA wore it this year and AJ last year) everyone would accuse Aniston of stealing her look.

    • Freya says:

      Angelina wears black a lot. I love her Oscars dress. It’s different from Aniston’s dress.

      People just love to compare. Enough already!

  89. Peachy says:

    A.J. – A Living Leg-end

  90. NM6804 says:

    Lainey blogged something about not eating before you drink so she might have been tipsy. Then again, Lainey is losing credibility in my eyes since she said Streep was going to lose and she always pretends she knows her sh* (also with the Paradis-Depp split).

    But yeah, pretty stupid yesterday. Not only did Pitt lose but his partner decided to act like an idiot and make it about her “sexiness” (doesn’t she play coy about it most times?) while she wasn’t even nominated. That sure backfired. Second, she looked bad (dress and body, not something you want to emphasize) and third, other celebrities are making fun of her and while they probably don’t hate her it’s sure a tarnish on the “Royal Couple” who take themselves way to seriously these days. Lastly, she was trying to come across as funny on stage and missed it completely. And I doubt she had a smile on her face either when she was the butt of a joke when millions were watching and her peers. Not a good day for the Brange. And of course they are saying it was a joke but really how would anybody feel when somebody is making fun of you right in front of you and you can’t even respond?

    Oh and this coupled with her often times smug face (chin up, eyes lightly closed) makes me think Brange/Jolie KNOWS and is smug about it. She is not above it all which is fine but don’t show you care: mystery gone, desperate and try hard comes in which does not suit such an A-lister.

  91. Josephina says:


    Please read below…too many posters are trying to make this into something it isn’t. So I brought direct quotes from the horse’s mouth (again, no TABLOID GOSSIP):

    When The Descendants’ writers Jim Rash and Nat Faxon received their Oscar, with Alexander Payne, for best adapted screenplay, they stuck out their legs much like their presenter, Anjelina Jolie had, in her slit-up-to-there Atelier Versace black velvet tiered gown.
    our editor recommends

    Well, the nternet went crazy with the idea that these guys were mocking Jolie and her brash sexy pose, which really seemed like she was having fun with her own sexy image. Jolie isn’t usually one to stick her legs out, or even show them often at awards shows or otherwise.

    Faxon’s reaction backstage to the idea that the team was making fun of her: “Angelina’s supremely hot. There’s no way to do anything but honor her.”

    Rash, who also stars on NBC’s Community, added, “I had just seen her pose and thought it was bold and fun. And you know what? We have exactly the same legs! Really, it was a loving tribute and nothing but.”

    Everyone can calm down and stop the fake concern for Angelina’s “embarassment.”

    • NYCgal says:

      That’s called back-pedaling and damage control.


    • LadyJane says:

      Are you plugging your ears and singing ‘la la la la la’ to yourself? Anyone with eyes knows she was being mocked.

    • mia girl says:

      I think you are missing the point. Jolie’s posing/behavior was already strange on its own. Everyone noticed. Even if these guys had not called it out openly (in tribute or to mock), many would be calling it out today.

      She had a bad day. That is just what it is. If this was any other star, you’d say the same.

    • me says:

      I honestly believe Brangelina, Angelina specifically, do not read their own press. I doubt she cares those guys were mocking her or what is being said in the press today. And I truly believe Angelina does not care about what anyone thinks of her given her talent, charity work, career, looks, and family. I’d be pretty darn secure and self confident if I were her. I think she kind of cares what Brad thinks but in the end, I do not think Angelina lives to please/appease anyone but her family

  92. Bird says:

    I was in complete awe of her emaciated body, desperately weird posing and complete lack of self awareness. If this isn’t proof positive that she’s Fake a la Ferocity, I don’t know what is. She was absolutely drugged out of her mind and made a fool of herself. The whole dress was built to try to try to give her some curves, but that sickly little bone of a leg sticking out was just disgusting. And those ARMS!

  93. Dibba says:

    For what its worth I like the fact that she doesn’t get fake tanned. I am very pale myself and I have always felt less attractive because i don’t tan. So I am please that AJ accepts her skin as it is!

    • Kara Ann says:

      I don’t know your age but, regardless, as one ages you really do usually look younger and healthier if you avoid the fake tanning and the real tanning for that matter. It’s just about protecting your skin.
      I don’t fake bake but I do get a mild tan in the summer from being outside. Hopefully, I’ll have the last laugh over the perfectly tanned as my face will age better…at least, I hope so!
      Anyway, agree about AJ not needing a fake tan.

    • Wendy says:

      Fake tans and fish belly whiteness… The only two options when you’re using retinoids to stave off wrinkles…

  94. tinker says:

    She needs to go back to her/ smug I am above all this persona. this was a big fail.And take the meds down a notch.

  95. kira says:

    Put away the toothpick, Angie, nobody is looking at your legs. If she loses any more weight, she’ll be a big pair of red lips walking around.

    I really hated the pose–but, look at her regular poses–she has this weird claw hand pose. So, I think someone told her to stop doing that, and she came up with this stupid pose. A supermodel she ain’t.

    Okay, say something nice–she did look very pretty from the neck up.

  96. Jess says:

    I am a huge Angelina fan, and I liked (not loved) the dress, but I thought the leg pose was absurd. The only redeeming thing about it was Dean Pelton making fun of it! And her arms are way too skinny – it’s freaky scary.

  97. olivia says:

    Mr. DeMille, I’m ready for my vaginal ultrasound.

  98. gloaming says:

    Honestly the pose didn’t bother me on the red carpet, it bothered me when she was presenting, it seemed over done and comical. Like she was trying too hard.

    She just looked silly when she walked up to the mic, then stuck out her leg like that.

    Some people need to try harder, Angelina Jolie doesn’t!

  99. anytime says:

    omg that toothy grin is scary. you can count all 32 of her teeth. um anyway the descendants joke was funny, but the main guy who did the talking had the worst unfunny jokes last night. i was facepalming in 2nd hand embarassment the entire time he was up there.

  100. Shelly says:

    Angie looked HOT! And I think she was just being funny and cheeky when she posed like that on stage. I thought it was intentionally hilarious! As far as the whole “they mocked her” thing – really – I didn’t get that they were mocking her. I thought those guys were just having fun. People take this all way too seriously. I thought it was fun of Angie to go up there and do that. I expected her to be all serious, like she normally is nowadays, so it was fun to see her sassy again.

  101. teri says:

    Angelina has so much self confidence and looks gorgeous! I love that she feels good about herself and works her flaws to no end.

  102. blah says:

    oh man, I used to hate on the Brange for being so overexposed but now that EVERYONE is making fun of her I have to feel bad. Her posing gave me worse displaced embarrassment than an ep of Curb Your Enthusiasm! Even worse were the credits at the end of the show- they actually flashed back to her posing and followed it up with Jim Rash making fun of her! Soooo mean! But hilarious!

    Let this be a lesson. When you’re overdoing the sultry sexy try hard thing you’re going to end up being made fun of!

  103. maemay says:

    She was mocking Lea Michelle? Angie you are the queen of Hollywood, antics are beneath you.

    • Jill says:

      I don’t think she was mocking anybody; I think she was spoofing the whole thing. Every time I see her on the red carpet she puts out this vibe like, okay it’s part of the job and I have to be here, but I’d much rather be home with Brad and the kids. She usually looks bored out of her gourd and cracks a smile for the cameras once in a while. Last night she looked loosened up like she decided to have some fun. Was she high? I dunno. But I doubt she would go to a red carpet event high with Brad’s parents there.

      I think it’s safe to say speculation is useless; she’s her own person and she does what she does for her own reasons.

      • anon says:

        “Last night she looked loosened up like she decided to have some fun. Was she high? I dunno. But I doubt she would go to a red carpet event high with Brad’s parents there.
        I think it’s safe to say speculation is useless; she’s her own person and she does what she does for her own reasons”

        Agree with your post. I think Angelina had a fun time. Go Angie!!! you always give them something to talk about 🙂

  104. Julie says:

    Her face and hair looked more beautiful than ever to me and I liked the dress. Win for her last nite!

  105. Beth says:

    Angie was either high or drunk. No question. Did anyone see the interview with E? Soooooo awkward. I’m sure they will edit out all her ummm, uhhhh, moments. Can someone post the unedited version?

    The thing is she made the moment about herself. Brad actually looked embarrassed.

    Good for Jim for taking back the spotlight. It was as if she was the nominee when she was up on stage.

    Angie you have chicken legs. Put them away.

  106. Mara says:

    This dress is not Oscar appropriate I really hate it but she is very beautiful ,that pose is not her she shouldn’t try so hard .

  107. Beth says:

    Angie was either high or drunk. No question. Did anyone see the interview with E? Soooooo awkward. I’m sure they will edit out all her ummm, uhhhh, moments. Can someone post the unedited version?

    The thing is she made the moment about herself. Brad actually looked embarrassed.

    Good for Jim for taking back the spotlight.
    Angie you have chicken legs. Put them away.

    • WTF says:

      I just watched Angelina’s E interview. There was NOTHING awkward about it. The truth doesn’t matter with you haters. As long as you can nitpick over every aspect of Angelina Jolie’s life. What a sad life one must lead to park on a thread and hate most of the morning.

  108. Beth says:

    She wore a similar dress to the BAFTAS. Remember the Armani black and yellow dress. Same asymmetrical bodice, but without the chicken leg slit.

  109. Julie says:

    OK, I post then read comments. I didn’t watch the show last nite and would have loved to see what obviously sounds like a real f…k up on her part. My comment here is finally others are willing to consider she’s still using something….I think the harders stuff. When I used to comment about it, I would get attacked and told how ludicrous it was since she was a mom of 200 or so children and how in the world could she use. I would bet my last dollar she’s addicted to something.

  110. Lonnie says:

    Angie was just so silly and happy last night. It was infectious. I think the hard posing had something to do with a joke between her and Brad. 

    Look at him in the first picture (let’s play a little photo assumption) – he totally looks like he’s “in on it”. They probably wanted to spice things up for themselves. (Since Brad’s chances of winning were basically non-existent.)

  111. rosa says:

    angelina is exactly what aniston claimed years before:UNCOOL

  112. blah says:

    Jim Rash is going to have to join the witness protection program to defend himself from all the Loonies furious at him for mocking their deity.

    All the others trying to spin this as Angle deliberately being cheeky and funny and turning a blind eye to the mockery, she embarrassed herself- plain and simple. If she has even a modicum of common sense she’ll laugh this off and see it as a good joke on her. It’ll likely give her a nice dose of humility, which every celeb needs!

  113. Heather says:

    I think the main problem was that the dress was fug and too heavy on her. The posing might have looked more natural in a lighter dress.

  114. Amanda says:

    WTF Really WTF was Angie thinking/doing?
    That pose was ridiculous.
    She flubbed hers lines and grinned liked a loon.
    If she was under the influence of something that might go along way in explaining what was going on last night.
    If not I shudder to think what she is going to do/wear at her next red carpet event.

  115. tracking says:

    Undignified and strange. Don’t know what she was thinking.

  116. Lukie says:

    OMG! It’s not even 11am yet! 199 comments?
    Talk about dedication (on both sides of the fence)!

  117. Kiyoshigirl says:

    I thought she looked fresh and more vibrant than she has at other recent events, but she was trying way too hard. She was rocked up on something. Whether she slipped a couple of shots to calm her nerves or used the rumored substance, she was awkward and too rehearsed. It’s always fun to watch celebrated actors flub simple presentation lines.

    I got the impression she was out to prove that she’s still young and relevant in Hollywood, which is sad. I expect that of Paltrow or a number of others, but thought her confidence would make her above all that. Guess not.

  118. Chrissy says:

    What is it with the men on the wrong side of the women? Clooney was also on the wrong side of his Barbie’s dress. Angelina’s leg thing wouldn’t have been quite as ridiculous if Brad had been on the other side. Still, I love that the guys poked fun at it!!

  119. Cathy says:

    I don’t know about her left knee, but her right knee is definately strange looking, lots of little bumps.

  120. vaylont says:

    Have you guys noticed when she presented at the Golden Globes this year she perfectly pronounced Michel Hazanavicius and when they cut to him he made an impressed face? It’s what she was supposed to do but with everyone stumbling on the stage it showed that she knew what she was doing and was professional enough to be prepared. She is a smart woman and it showed. The way she squatted on the red carpet yesterday was the opposite of that. I don’t think she was being silly, she thought this was a good look and I don’t understand why an intelligent person would assume that.

  121. Jenna says:

    I know I’m like in the 0 % when I say this…but watching Angelina presenting last night I didn’t see the “beautiful” woman everyone raves about. She looked so so skinny and her skin was doing this wax thing? I don’t know I just wasn’t seeing it… sorry :/.

    • Asli says:

      Agreed, I haven’t been seeing it either. She looks so emaciated. Like Demi Moore, but when it’s Demi she needs help and when it’s Angie…

      And if it was anybody else but AJ doing the leg-”pose” she would have been ripped to shreds.

    • NM6804 says:

      0%?I don’t think so. The only consistent thing about Jolie is her beautiful face but in these last years, not even that excuses her terrible skeletical look. People are not only commenting on her ridiculous posing (trending on Twitter, all over the news even in other countries!…) but also her frame is again under scrutiny (scrawny and chicken legs is a consistend one). And not only from news outlets but the public commenting on it. Thing is, you think you’re in the 0% because you feel the need to defend yourself on certain boards but believe me, Jolie’s figure is not coveted anymore since 2005. The Apologists mislead you :).

      @ Asli: please, if anybody else had done this all evening, they would be all over her ass saying how desperate she is and trying to be cool and sexy but when Jolie does it it’s “iconic” or “funny”. Yeah, sure…it was embarassing and pretty much every outlet is calling it how it is: they made a mockery out of her and she made a mockery out of herself. I think Jolie needs help because something is going on. Oh and I need a cutscene of Pitt’s face when her presentation was going on 😀

  122. Mrs. Darcy says:

    Sorry but her gams are pasty and chicken-y looking, a little fake tan would not have gone amiss if this was her game plan. In th U.K. they thought she was trying to be funny or something,at least in her stage bit, so is that not what happened at all? I thought the Descendants guy was funny, I’m sure La Jolie didn’t give a crap either. I like her hair and makeup but agree the dress is not the best.

  123. wuuuut!! says:

    You will know that shes being chummy with BBT when shes all acting crazy like her old self like that.

  124. Nev says:

    so what if she was a little drunk or high???!!!…they party…for sure…no question…they got SIX kids, etc…they deserve to act a fool and loosen up right?

    they give back and are raising kids..lighten up

    I am glad she did that…she NEEDS to loosen up and act a fool….usually she is overly-controlled and kinda aloof/snobby….good on her.

    • Wendy says:

      I would think that 6 kids or not, presenting at the Oscars should be cnsidered a “job” not a “party”.

  125. Angel says:

    I cant believe this is even a thing.

    I laughed at her silly pose (with her, not at her, because she was laughing. In fact she laughed the whole night — she was radiant) and I laughed with them. Jesus. There are better things to analyse!

    Like her hair; I like it longer and darker. Nonetheless, she looked great as per usual.

  126. Runs with Scissors says:

    When I saw it, I thought he was making a joke about the phallic Oscar statue he positioned on his leg like a huge d*ck. Thought it was pretty lame.

    Are we sure he didn’t just go with the Jolie thing to cover an obvious and vulgar joke?

    About the pose:
    The designer probably told her to pop her leg out to keep it sexy. I think she was trying to keep it fun, but it just looked goofy, lol. She would have looked great if not for the weird leg pose, uhhggg.

  127. Jane says:

    Geez, what happened to Angie? I remember when she didn’t have to “try” to look sexy, she just was. The last time I remember her being sexy was her wearing that black dress at the Mr. & Mrs. Smith movie premiere.

    It was like she wasn’t herself last night. Either grow old gracefully and accept it, or try not to be sexy anymore if you don’t have it in you. Yikes.

    I actually thought she reminded me of Cruella de Vil from 101 Dalmations last night. Too skinny with red lipstick and that black dress.

    • Jane says:

      Reading all these comments, including mine, makes me feel bad for her though. Geez, what was she thinking? Did she look at herself posing in front of the mirror before she did this? Maybe, she asked Brad, “Honey, what do you think of my pose for the cameras?” “Looks great, dear…”

      Husbands are the worst to ask for opinions concerning stuff like this…

  128. dena says:

    I’m positive she was high.

  129. Sara says:

    Skeletor leg ugh put that thing away!
    Hate that red lipstick! The dress is pretty and hair and eye makeup look great!

  130. Petunia says:

    I think she looked GORGEOUS. And if I had legs that beautiful (mine are nice, her’s are fantastic,) I’d show them off too. But I wish she’d put away the color black for good.

    And Brad Pitt? WASH YOUR HAIR! I wouldn’t award you an Oscar based upon that dirty, greasy hair alone. On a serious note, though, I don’t know why he hasn’t won one yet. He’s a darned good actor.

    • Sadie says:

      Are you kidding me? He shouldnt even been nominated. Its a joke that Fassbender and Gosling were nominated but Pitt was. He is a decent actor but not a great one. The french dude was always gonna win but in the speaking category Gary Oldman would have been the right winner.

  131. Pedge says:

    She looked like an absolute joke.

  132. Kimbob says:

    Ok, to acknowledge the OBVIOUS, yes, Angelina is a gorgeous woman…of course!

    The leg thing? Try-hard, & I’ve always thought she is too Hollywood & superficial. YES, she does great things & she’s a wonderful, giving person….but it doesn’t distract from her superficiality in interviews…that’s my opinion.

    Is she on something? I think so.

    I would like to point out the ONE GREAT THING ABOUT ANGELINA….at least she’s not an oompa-loompa!!! That’s her real skin color, and thank goodness she’s not tempted to spray tan herself. Her skin looks great. But let’s all acknowledge the obvious…she’s scary skinny…what’s up w/that?

    No, no one can be perfect, & I certainly don’t expect Angelina to be, either. Just giving pros & cons about her. I definitely like her better than her “nemesis”…LOL!

  133. Ogechi says:

    I saw the show and the red carpet. Angelina Jolie has the worst legs i have ever seen. Tiny, old looking short legs. She is trying too hard- shame. Her face is beautiful though.

  134. dede says:

    I thought this was hilarious especially when the guy mimced confused as to why everyone is making a big deal about was hailrious but I doubt angie is at home crying..whats more hilarious is some of the haters who say her career is now over because of this..really? lmao

    • Jill says:

      Outside of the brain-dead idiots on FF and Ian Undercover, who in the world is saying something that stupid?

      • dede says:

        lol Jill i love how you already know the source..when to n fuglyfemales and they said Angelinas career is over after what happened last night bwhahah I spit out my drink after reading that..who knew Angelinas career would be over after showing her if Angie hasnt had controversy thoughout her career

      • Jill says:

        @dede: Chica, those freaks on Ian Undercover are legendary. I heard so much about that site I finally clicked on it one evening and I swear to God they were talking about Angie can’t wait for Maddox to be a teenager so she can have sex with him. I was like, WTF?! I clicked out of there and never went back. After reading that I wanted to take out my entire hard drive and throw it in the washing machine. Those people are sick.

    • Amanda says:

      I dont think shes at home crying about it either, but she sure as hell cares what the public thinks about her.

      All celebs are aware and manage their public image. Angie is no different.

      In the cold hard light of day I would bet my house she wished she kept her leg in check.

    • anon says:

      this response is for dede

      Not happening (her career over) there is still too much to say about her. This should be good for at least another year of the OMG’s. The legend continues. This red carpet will be brought up forever. Are the Red Carpet’s finally over? Folks were worried about all the money she spent this year on RC dresses.

      • Wendy says:

        “Folks” who worry about what any known actor or actress spends on their RC clothes are delusional. Most of the clothes are either lent, given or the actor/ess is paid to wear them.

    • Wendy says:

      I’m not saying “her career is over because of this”, but when you consider that she hasn’t acted for two years, had to hire an agent to get parts, hit up Almodovar for a part on the RC and is now posing like a Z-lister, it’s maybe not so unreasonable to wonder if her career hasn’t hit the skids.

      She does well in action films. She sells when she kicks butt. She still could, only she’s so underweight that the image of healthy, in shape kick-a** spy/assassin/adventurer is no longer credible. Whatever the issue is that has caused her to look like she is anorexic has killed the “bread and butter” part of her career. And she obviously hasn’t dealt with that reality yet.

      • NM6804 says:

        THIS! You’re on to something. I forgot about Almodovar btw, but you have good points. Didn’t she interrupt her own interview to jokingly fish for a job and he politely skated around it? All she has is a Disney film coming up and if she gets send to many scripts (between 20 -35 wasn’t it?) then why isn’t she acting in better films?

        Oh and why hire Jolie when non-actor newcomer Carano proved she can kick butt too and more believable since she has a healthy weight and martial arts experience? Sure she had a lot of A-listers supporting her but the story did focus on her so it only takes an A-list director who has faith in you and good script to turn a healthy daring woman into the next action star. Jolie isn’t unique and the older she gets, the less people want to see her kick ass since a part of her action films is based on her good looks.

        I don’t think her career is over (she’ll be A-list forever and Pitt is the better actor and gets better roles as years go by so by his side, they’ll always be A-list) but her behaviour was quite desperate so it does raise questions about her insecurity at such an event. What is she worrying about?

      • Wendy says:

        Even for her last film, the role was a last minute thing and she wasn’t the first choice either. Probably not particularly uncommon in HW, but one would think that being A+ list would mean that you have your choice of projects and your presence brings the money people to the table.

      • Wendy says:

        Not to mention showing up on the RC of other people’s films, which isn’t something she normally does unless it’s Pitt’s. Yet there she was at a Luc Besson film photocall.

        Now I know she’s supposed to be in a now-off-the-table film for the guy, but when was the last time you saw her shilling herself at the film of someone she’s never worked with? That’s what someone like Blake Lively does when she wants to be in a Stephen Soderburgh film.

        I think there are a fair number of indications that things are not all puppies and rainbows in Jolie career-land. It can’t help much that the studios probably don’t have as much money to spend on big budget films, economic crisis being what it is.

  135. bellie says:

    I thought she looks breath taking beautiful. Jealousy is not a new thing when it comes to her and yes that was engagement ring in her right finger. she looked the queen.

  136. Happy21 says:

    I thought she seemed like she was trying way too hard and I was really surprised to see her acting like that.

    I did notice that she seemed to be having a great time though so really that’s all that matters.

    Her arms are a little on the thin side. My BF who had to suffer through the entire show and red carpet show prior, was like why does she think she looks good, you can see all the bones in her arm, she looks gross. Why do women think skeletal is attractive because its not?! He thought that Maya Rudolph had a figure to admire although he doesn’t find her face attractive (his words, not mine).

    So funny to see hear my man make these comments because he usually doesn’t say anything and he usually runs when it comes to anything on TV about celebrities!

  137. dede says:

    isnt it also interesting that i f you read the comments the Monday after the GGs people were saying she is stiff cold a biitch smug fastfoward to her doing something spontaneous and unexpected(i will admit it was funny when the guys mocked her) and now the comments are she looked a little to happy and loopy etc..chick cannot win..heck there was even a big story when Angie put on lip gloss at the GGs in 2011, whatever she did there will be a story..i gurantee yo if any other actress had done this it would have been swept under the rug..

  138. serena says:

    She vamped it up!
    I love her look here, yeah the leg thing was funny and a bit strange but overall she was beautiful.
    And I loved her hair and make up, plus I’m going to save the laughing face’s gorgeous, she is.

  139. Dee Cee says:

    She’s joking and going about it perfectly..

  140. Amanda says:

    Michael K from dlisted is always going on about Angie being a Vampire, I get it now.

  141. Ginger says:

    Wow!! So many comments…I am an AJ fan but all I had to say last night was her hair and makeup looked pretty…the posing and sexy demeanor didn’t bother me…what did was her stick arms…why oh why is she so painfully thin?!

  142. Beregorl says:

    Aaand nobody’s bashing Emma Stone for her similar posing. (Okay, she couldn’t flash her legs.)

    Btw, Emma and Ben Stiller were adorable! 🙂

  143. buell says:

    Next time Angie wax instead of shaving… razor burn is a bitch.

    • Wendy says:

      Omg! That’s totally an “I’ve got a razor burn on my lady bits” pose. Hahahahahaha! Nice one 🙂

  144. mazzy says:

    Even in boring black, I loved AJ’s look, *especially* with the over the top leg pose. The pose actually balanced well w/ the assymetricality (is so a word!) of dress. Hair & makeup — perfect.

    But gasp, those arms — she’s always been slight, but that’s anorexia right there. Eat a sammich girl!

  145. Cheryl says:

    She had to have been on something. Her interview, she was giggling and blinking really fast, and taking a long time to answer questions. And the pose?? This is a woman who never seems to care about what anyone else thinks… Last night looked so desperate and skinny and weird. And I usually think she’s stunning.
    Maybe her new movie issues are getting to her? Heard Bosnians hated it. Take a break anj! Relax, take a vacation, eat sleep and stop taking whatever you were on last night.

    • Emma says:

      Bosnians loved her movie….including previous haters that were part of that idiot Bakira Hasecic’s group…

    • Jill says:

      You may be confusing the Bosnians with the Serbians. The Serbians hated it because it showed them they way they really acted during the civil war. The Bosnians are okay with it after they realized it wasn’t a film glorifying rape.

  146. Jane says:

    So now all those that mocked her pose last night are considered AJ “haters.” LMAO

    I’m usually neutral on AJ, so reading these types of comments are hilarious.

  147. Tweakspotter says:

    LOL!! She’s posing for her life isn’t she? She must be on one. She needs to put that boney knee away it’s probably the only “ugly” feature she has and she’s trying to show it off. smdh

  148. Kim says:

    Love her but she looked awful last night. Boring dress & the stance was ridiculous. She is way to thin and just looks sick.

  149. Amanda G says:

    The BEST part of the night for me was when that guy openly mocked her RIDICULOUS pose right in front of her. Its great when non-famous people get a chance to put famous people in their place. Angelina looked nice and all but that pose was from that Glee chicks book. Not good.

  150. Lizzie says:

    Just … wtf, man.

  151. Hubbahun says:

    So up her own arse it’s painful. Gross.

  152. the original bellaluna says:

    Her skin looks good (if a little shiny); her hair looks good (nice and shiny); her knee looks scary (you could shank a bitch with it); and her dress looks heavy.

    That is all.

  153. Jessica says:

    TMZ has pics of her speaking.. she is WAY too thin!!!

  154. I don’t know… I thought there was something tongue in cheek about the pose onstage, but I could be wrong. I often am.

  155. Camille (The original) says:

    The posing was funny. Her leg looked fabulous. She looked beautiful and she also looked happy and like she was having fun vamping it up for a change. *shrugs*
    I also think she knew what she was doing, its certainly got people talking hasn’t it lol. 😉

    • aprayerforthewildatheart says:

      It was nice to see AJ smiling, and laughing, she seemed happy. She never looked embarrassed so why is everyone claiming to be embarrassed for her? She “looked” like she was just having fun, I don’t get it. *shrugs* x2

      • Wendy says:

        Possibly because she seemed to be completely unaware of how ridiculous she looked.

      • aprayerforthewildatheart says:

        AJ looking ridiculous is your opinion, not mine. Next.

      • Wendy says:

        When you ask a question: ” She never looked embarrassed so why is everyone claiming to be embarrassed for her?”, you shouldn’t be surprised if people answer it.

        People were embarrassed for her because she looked like a fool and had no idea that she did.

        Any more questions?

      • aprayerforthewildatheart says:

        My “question” was a rhetorical one, I thought that was more than obvious. A rhetorical question does not beg for an answer, and as time is precious, no need to waste your time, or mine.

  156. blonde on the dock says:

    She’s beautiful and creepy at the same time. Last night was more creepy. I dont find her to be that attractive anymore. She looks too harsh and her stick body is distracting.

  157. UKHels says:

    If my only physical flaw was my knobbly knees I certainly wouldn’t be getting them out in front of the cameras

  158. Rachael says:

    All I can say is, my husband and I were laughing and “WTF??”-ing when Angelina’s leg action was going on. I HOPE she was joking around and being cheeky … if she was … no biggie. Because if she was being serious … I mean, she’s obviously ridiculous. So let’s hope for her sake it was the former.

    BUT beyond that, I just want to say how THRILLED I am that Dean Pelton got such a huge moment to shine!! That was just awesome … Jim Rash, Dean Pelton, and Community FTW!! Do I think he was laughing AT her instead of WITH her?? It’s hard to tell, because I don’t think anyone knows whether Angie herself was being cheeky or not. All I know is, I was really really dying to see the look on Angie’s face when this was all happening, because that is really the only way we can gauge if she was totally just messing around, or if she was serious.

    Anyway, either way, that was funny stuff. I really never know what to think of Angelina at any one moment, but Jim Rash is awesome.

  159. Newtsgal says:

    Say what you want…..stupid, silly pose
    she looked shiney, too skinny. Negative or positive….. The bitch has got everybody talking about her. You know what they say…. any publicity is good pubicity!

  160. Luise says:

    Angie may have thought she looked sexy but she didn’t. That exposed polio leg sticking out with her anorexic arms looked godawful. She normally looks beautiful but it didn’t turn out that way this time.

  161. jin says:

    I’m glad the whole world could see just how full of herself and arrogant this woman is. That’s what happens when the media shoves celebs like Angelina down our throats and tell us everything she does, says or wears is the greatest thing ever when in reality she looks like an annorexic heroin addict with messy hair and a boring dress. Brangeloonies can make excuses all they want, but she looked stupid and conceited striking that pose on stage. Trying too hard is not sexy.

    • trish says:

      It looked like Brad was fed up, he looks ten years older than he is, he also looks worn out. Some say she is beautiful, there are many beautiful women around who get no attention. I wonder why she has to state that she goes to bed with him, they have been together for around 7 years! She also uses his name in interviews as if it was something to boast about. She seems to need something to make her look good now. It looks as if the shine is gone and she needs to make it look good for the attention to keep coming her way. She also uses her children in interviews, who else does that?

  162. Maritza says:

    Angelina needs to gain at least 10 pounds. She looks too skinny and frankly I think she looks better when she covers up her arms and legs. She’s looking like a bobblehead. I didn’t care for her poses with her bony knee sticking out, not a good look. At least her hair and makeup were nice.

  163. Lola says:

    She looks like a vampire. I understand she feels comfortable in black but it’s a bit much.

  164. JudyJudyJudy says:

    I get a kick out of all the hate here because she is gorgeous and she wins every time you call her skinny. Hollywood wants skinny women. Haven’t you heard? All your skinny comments help her, not hurt her.

    so keep it up cause she loves it!

    • Wendy says:

      I can’t stand the woman, but at the very least can see that she’s got an eating disorder of some sort or another and needs help. I hope she gets it.

      There is nothing “win” about encouraging someone to be unhealthily skinny. And there’s nothing “win” about enabling someone like that who quite clearly has issues with maintaining a body weight that isn’t a danger to her health.

      • JudyK says:

        A different Judy and I so disagree with the other Judy. AJ is gorgeous, but it’s obvious she has an eating disorder…she will look positively anorexic if she loses another ounce…and that is not being a good role model for her children or other women.

  165. kaliwaliable says:

    That’ sure a beautiful woman, there is no OTHER Jolie..she’ really enjoying the night…such a BADASS!

  166. Roxy750 says:

    Okay, her lipstick is way too red, almost fluorescent, the dress looks blah, she is skin and bones–that is not attractive or sexy–she keeps getting skinnier by the day and everyone just thinks she is gorgeous. wtf? Her hair is so dull and in need of major restoration and/or color, her face is always pasty oily and white…she looks extremely unhealthy. As much of a beautiful woman as she is…she needs eat and take some vitamins or something. As for Brad, she will be moving on from him soon…trust me. he is getting to be a has been–for real, too bad.

    • anytime says:

      not only too skinny, but her leg was also too pasty white-and whiter than her chest and arms too, i don’t know if they used a bronzer on the upper part of her body but she looked like a ghost and when you have two skin colours it just looks bad-the lack of any natural tan was also disturbing. i’m not saying everybody should get a tan, but there is a thing such as too white and unless you’re an albino, or conan o’brien, it only happens if you’ve been avoiding the sun like a vampire. madonna and angie are both in this category because they’re normally not that white skined, actually both used to be somewhat olive skinned. anyway too skinny and too white makes you look like an old lady it reminds me of my grandmother’s legs

  167. Dee says:

    I guess my comment will be the minority, but I don’t think she looked good. She honestly looked like Mrs. Adams (Adams family) or Cruella Deville’s personal assistant. Her skin is very white/pasty, her arms looks like bones and she looked drunk or high most of the night. I miss the beautiful, vivacious Angelina Jolie from her Tomb Raider days.

    • anytime says:

      lol i just realized i wrote basically the same things as you did right above your entry. yeah and the upper part of her body was darker than her exhibit-leg, which made her seem like a neglectful small town prom queen wannabe, what with the tousled hair and wrong shoes-accessories as she usually sports

  168. Mi says:

    All that posing just made me think of Lea Michelle.

  169. Lol says:

    Yes , of course the haters take this as a way to attack her yet again. If she’s just standing there with no smile and no pose that means she’s cold and arrogant and when she decides to spice it up and have fun that also means she’s cold and arrogant?

    I thought for once she actually looked like she was having fun. Awards shows should be over the top and entertainng. Thanks to Angie we have something to talk about cause the show was as lame as always.

    • Mari says:

      Not even that staged issue of Sacha B Cohen got people talking, AJ did. And really, really I do not think she cares much about it. She was having fun and did not take off her dress or killed anyone.
      The crazies from E are here, good that youa re in AJ watch. Keep it up, the world needs you.

  170. alyssa says:

    She is so painfully thin!! I miss the Tomb Raider Angelina. Please gain, like, 10 lbs. Okay, even 5 would be an improvement!!

    • madpoe says:

      co-signing the Tomb Raider days

    • sm255 says:

      Same here! I miss her Tomb Raider days.

    • Karma says:

      Yeah, she could stand to eat a sandwich or two. But what did she do after Tomb Raider? Her humanitarian work, and stated it had an impact on her. Hard to have the same relationship with food after such an experience.

      And let’s be honest. How many Sally Struthers jokes revolve around her being fat surrounded by starving kids and not the tv show? Could you imagine the haters if Angelina put on a few pounds now? It would be brutal.

  171. vivien says:

    I thought it was really fun and cute. We usually see her look more serious on the red carpet, and she has spent the last few months promoting a film with very serious subject matter, so it was her time to let loose and be a little silly.

    Plus, she looked damn good!

  172. anytime says:

    lol i love how this post is now way above the only recent jeniston post (which reports of another flop by jen, to boot..) and this post was originally posted way earlier than jennifer’s too. and 326 comments vs. 69 it’s safe to say that, even with the tacky and silly leg poses angie is the winner 🙂

    • blonde on the dock says:

      not in the looks dept.

      • anytime says:

        i think jeniston looks rather unfortunate, even with all her plastic surgery, fake hair, contact lenses and all… yet who’s to say angie didn’t have her own fair share of these things? i know she had at least 2 nosejobs, some say she had cheekbone and chin implants but idk. i heard she really has brown eyes and that the hair is fake. again, i don’t know. but the 2 rhinoplasties and collagen injections on her upper lip (while reducing the lower) are undeniable. and having 3 kids in 3 years then dropping down to probably around a dramatic 90 lbs would cause anybody to look like an aged cryptkeeper. here’s what i mean: when i saw her knee in this photo, i literally gasped. my husband doesn’t even think she’s attractive at all anymore and he loved her in tomb raider. he doesn’t seem to care for jeniston either, though

  173. dave says:

    She still needs to eat more. She was such a beauty back then. She is lacking flesh, has nothing to do with age.

  174. Jaxx says:

    The sexy pose looked ridiculous coming from her because she is so disgustingly skinny and far from sexy at that weight. It looked like someone escaped from a concentration camp, put on a pretty dress and posed when what they really needed was to be loaded up and set to hospital. Her skinny pin leg is anything but sexy.

    Such strange behavior last night, and with Brad’s parents there? It worries me.

  175. brasileira says:

    Angelina is an incredibly beautiful woman, too thin or not. Her leg looks amazing. But, seriously, that posing hard was nothing but PATHETIC.

  176. Anoni Mus says:

    My husband thought she looked terrible. And he usually likes her. I had to agree, she’s scary thin, almost reaching Demi Moore’s type of skinny. The bony arms and sunken cheekbones! Please Angie, eat something!

    About the behaviour… Meh. Someone farther up said it right, they must have had a joint in the limo or something.

  177. Jill says:

    She’s no thinner now than she was five years ago. Check this out, from Cannes 2007:

    But she definitely looked better when she was post-pregnant with the twins. She’s back at the weight she was before she became pregnant.

    • LoL says:

      She looked better in 2003 back when she wasn’t with brad Pitt. She was sickly looking back in the late 90s and whatever did that to her back then came back when she got with brad Pitt and that’s the truth.

  178. original sandy says:

    well, i liked it, i thought it was fun, i,m glad she was having a good time. go Angie!!!!

  179. Medusa says:

    She seemed like she took some Ecstasy.

  180. Freya says:

    I think Angie had one more drink than she should have had before presenting, and she’ll probably regret what she did, when she sees the video, but it was not a crime. She can’t turn the clock back. She just has to put it behind her. Life goes on.

  181. grazi says:

    I am Brazilian, and I understand we have different beauty standards. Maybe Americans think this is beautiful, but, in my country, you would try to hide those legs, because they look very bad.

    • Karma says:

      Who knows maybe Brad’s mother worked on the pose with her. That was a lot of dress and maybe that’s how it looked best. Others stated that the camera men were directing her to work the dress.

      Either way, that was still the best moment of the Oscars that I saw.

      Angie stole an entire six hour show with her leg….LOL.

    • spinner says:

      @ grazi…you & your lovely people are correct.

      • Karma says:

        Oh please. There are a lot of people in thongs that shouldn’t be in Brazil but at least they are displaying a zest for life and working what they have.

        And going under the knife isn’t viable for everyone but even during Carnival there are some not so great figures working it harder than Angelina did. Yet still having a great time dancing and feeling sexy.

        Is someone feeling sexy such a bad thing? Even women with lanky legs are allowed such pleasures…LOL

  182. jojo says:

    kids, check out the new meme – legbombing:

    there’s a lot of images there, they are too funny. this is a personal favorite:

    • spinner says:

      ha ha ha!! Love it. Your personal fav is now my personal fav as well. Thanks for the image.

    • anytime says:

      lol this is so funny for some reason.

      • Runs with Scissors says:

        “legbombing” ha, that’s too funny! Thanks for posting!

        She was having a bit of fun, no big deal, but it still looked goofy as hell, lol!

        The pose I can’t stand is the legs crossed like you have to have a pee pose. I guess it’s supposed to make you look… thinner? It’s just embarrassing.

    • laylajanelovesgossip says:

      She was trying too hard who knows why…lol

    • aprayerforthewildatheart says:


  183. deea says:

    haha:)) i think she just beat the crack out of sacha baron cohen:)) if he wanted to be funny promoting his movie, angelina has totally outdone him=))

  184. LunaT says:

    If I say she is way, waaaay too skinny, dresses in modernized versions of gowns from “Dynasty”, and was posing oddly, it doesn’t make me a hater. It just makes me someone who thinks she needs to get healthy, find a different stylist, and quit sticking her leg out.

    For reals, I don’t get this “hater”
    stuff. This website isn’t called “celebnice-y”.

  185. aprayerforthewildatheart says:

    So AJ fails, and it’s a national tragedy, and so disrespectful to the Oscars and the winners that she presented to, whom then took it up and mimicked her pose.

    No way was AJ trying to be funny, she’s desperate, and craving attention because she cares so much what people think. She goes around doing interviews addressing all the rumors, and how she’s trying to gain weight, and how she’s going to burn her many, many sack dresses, because she’s hell-bent on bringing the sexy! Okay…

    The Oscars had a comedian hosting, who made fun of EVERYONE. J-Lo & Cami, Goop & RDJ, Emma Stone & Ben Stiller, etc. were all doing comedic bits. Since when is J-Lo funny, or Goop? They should’ve given AJ a person to play off of, preferably someone who’s actually funny because she’s not. But, it’s not personal, and the “sides” making it about HER personally good or bad, are just creepy.

    I was like OMG! Stop it! Her leg popping out kept reminding me of “Thing” from the Addams Family, like it was possessed. Yep, I laughed, and for all the wrong reasons. It was an EPIC FAIL, and deserves all the memes it can handle. Next!

    • pwal says:

      Ummm… Thing was a hand, not a leg.

      Cousin It? No… not a sign of hair on that leg.

      Uncle Fester? Maybe… it was pale, smooth, and certainly capable of lighting up the place.

      Look… some people like Angelina. I do. Some people hate Angelina… so be it. But I’m beginning to think that Angelina’s worst enemies are the ones who use her as some sort of proxy. They want her crazy, screwing around with men and women, and whatever else. It’s not happening, because, you see, those actions came directly from her, not via a cheering section. Re-acclimate yourselves to that fact.

      And for the record, I assumed that the reason why she was posing like that was because she really loved that dress. And I heard that she said that it was the most comfortable dress she ever wore. So much for that. I guess she needs to wear uncomfortable dresses and tight shoes to regain some people’s favor. Somehow, I doubt that she will.

      • aprayerforthewildatheart says:

        Yes Thing was a hand, that moved on its own, I was joking. My point was I understand the people who are taking it in good fun, and joking about it. The memes, leg bombing, etc are funny.

        The fans you speak of who want her crazy, that’s not me. I like Angie too, I have no investment in making this a negative thing, yet some are hell-bent on it. Many things I write are tongue-in-cheek, I’m joking, hence my “burning her many many sack dresses” comment. I agree with a lot of what you said, and I get what you’re saying, believe me.

        Here’s some perspective, in the US we have a GOP front-runner who would like to drag women’s rights back to the Stone Age, yes I’m using hyperbole, he only wants to drag us back to the Middle Ages. Perhaps Angie’s leg can kick Rick Santorum out into the stratosphere, where he’ll do less harm. 😉

  186. ocean says:

    Her arms are so gross. She is way to skinny.

  187. quasimatta says:

    too funny…seriously, they’re starting to look like a parody of themselves…in that first pic here up top don’t they look like the beverly hill billies posing?

    • Kara Ann says:

      The Beverly HILLS Billies. They’re just like the ones from the old shows except with less class and sincerity!

  188. me says:

    I thought she had a cool gothic look going on, at least it wasn’t some boring prom dress looking outfit like rest of the bunch, and even with her weight loss, that face is undeniable..she’s beautiful. i thought she was totally drunk and being goofy..good for her, haven’t seen her this care free since her mother died

  189. Vera says:

    I like the dress, but it left a lot to be desired for me. I think if it had a little something around or at the waist to not make it look like such a black hole. And her hair looked just wrong to me. The makeup is alright, I guess. Nothing that great.

  190. Maya says:

    There was nothing wrong with the dress. Nice dress. It’s just unfortunate that she is so thin that she disappears within it, and had to resort to one of the most ridiculous poses (that accentuated her twig leg).
    I watched her present and couldn’t believe how thin she was on TV (which adds weight), which could only mean that she’d look like an anorexic candidate in the flesh.
    She looked much better last year and the years before that.
    I don’t know what’s up with Angelina this year, but she is not looking healthy.

  191. Lisa says:

    It made me laugh, but it obviously fell flat with the audience.

    I like her dress, too. I usually love the skinny look, but her arms look a little gangly. She’d look super hot with a bit more muscle. Madonna is proof that you can build muscle after 40!

    • Rosalee says:

      Guy Ritchie said kissing Madonna was like kissing gristle..kissing AngieJo would be a little more exciting trying to avoid seriously cutting yourself on one of those bones. Yes, she’s beautiful, but damn how stupid was that look..well I guess her damage control will say it was practiced in rehearsal, but was the 9 same poses on red carpet part of the rehearsal no it was just Angelina trying to be sexy and failing to notice her face is lovely but she’s just a skinny, pale little thing. Jolie does not have muscles like Madonna, just bones.

  192. Heidi says:

    Loved it!

  193. Ramie says:

    love her! if I looked like Angelina, I’d be doing this, and so much more!

  194. skinanny says:

    If I was Jennifer Aniston, I would have been howling…….
    what a joke!!!

  195. Jenn says:

    Come people…the way she was posing on the red carpet and on stage was beyond weird. It made her look like a total ass. The writer was hilrious for making fun of her. One of the best moments.

  196. moopsie says:

    that photo of her smiling is awesome, she should flash that smile more

    • Rhea says:

      No, if she does that more often, like last night, people would think she’s faking it, try too hard, on drug or something 😉

  197. Nymeria says:

    1. She wore an updated copy of Jen Aniston’s 2010 Golden Globes gown, & looked a hell of a lot less attractive in it to boot.

    2. She posed in a ridiculous, over-the-top way that was clearly intended to garner attention.

    Anyone else would have been skewered on this site for acting like such a pathetic attention whore. Why does she get a pass, exactly?

    • sm255 says:

      My thoughts exactly! It’s because of her ‘humanitarian work’ and ‘her looks’, when really she is about as fair game of criticism as every other celebrity we’ve been criticizing.

    • S says:

      Don’t forget that she clearly appeared to be high as a kite. Anyone with a fully functional set of eyeballs would be able to see this. But again, she can show up on the red carpet tweaking out, pupils dilated, veins bulging, with her ribcage poking out through a form-fitting dress, and people will still jump to her defense and praise her. I’ve never cared one way or the other for Ms. Jolie, and although I can appreciate her goodwill work and see how people find her (face) attractive, I cannot for the life of me understand how some people don’t recognize her behavioral instability and insatiable need for attention.

  198. AnnieC says:

    OMG! Angelina’s too beautiful to let this get to her! If any of us were half as attractive as she is we’d all be happy! Maybe the structure of the dress required a ‘leg out’, ya know?! It looked like quite a structured dress! She looked saucy, who cares, laugh it off & live on! 🙂 The little guy was jus’ jealous! Rage on Angie! 🙂

  199. ZenB!tch says:

    I love the top picture from the waist up. THAT LEG makes me think of uncooked poultry. ICK!

  200. Ess says:

    I think Angie is beautiful and the dress is beautiful, BUT the dress was wearing her. Slits are great in theory but I don’t know how people pull them off. So I think Angie was trying to figure out how to carry the dress. I wonder what it looked like before she stuck her leg out like that?

    Did the slit disappear? It was probably a really difficult dress to wear even for as beautiful a women as Angelina. I feel like we should cut her some slack. Now I understand the phrase about wearing the dress and not letting the dress wear you. This dress may not have been the best choice, maybe she wasn’t comfortable in it and was compensating. Add that to the fact that she IS vulnerable and if she was planning on being funny but couldn’t commit to the joke and for whatever reason fumbled her line (tipsy or nerves) it just came down to this.

    I think we should be kind to her and maybe she is laughing along with everyone or will be embarrassed but have to forget it. But let’s be kind about it. It was a tough dress in my opinion.

  201. Annie says:

    Ive always admired AJ’s humanitarian efforts and for the most part her work. Somewhere along the way however, I think she started to buy into her press and became obsessed with controlling preserving her image and takes herself waaaay to seriously. This inspires respect, admiration maybe but not likeability. The oscars were about Brad and his accomplishments ..her desperate “look at me” poses are in direct conflict with what a thoughtful partners frame of mind should be…I think we got a glimpse behind the curtain and alls not well between the two of them or perhaps she’s having a crisis of some sort but this definitely was unplanned. If she’s upstaging him I have no sympathy if it’s the latter I hope she turns it around

  202. Jaded says:

    Those arms and legs are scary, girl needs to eat something. I think she got loopy on a couple of glasses of champagne because she hasn’t had a solid meal in weeks…months….years….

  203. Shamozzle says:

    Seriously this preying mantis travels the world non stop and yet she never fails to look like she hasnt seen the sun in 20 years!

    I think its safe to say she had a little “sniff” of her magical powder before heading to the Oscars.

    Ugh, just ugh.

  204. Annie says:

    Meryl Streep is perfect example of someone who is highly respected but is the first to laugh at herself and her “image”. When she discussed her friendships as what has sustained her I didnt doubt this for a minute. She should give these poor actresses a seminar on how to handle attention and how to let others shine occasionally….in that arena true grace is so rare, when u see it stuns.

  205. Mourning the Death of Music says:

    I am of theory that there is some sort of secret bet or specific reason (possible inside joke) as to why she struck that pose multiple times.

  206. Mimi says:

    She’s beautiful as always! What is the problem jealous cows? I don’t see the issue.

  207. Koa says:

    She made a complete ASS outta herself and I thought it was hysterical. Worse than the cocked leg is the fact that she looks like a corpse in black, it’s not even remotely flattering to her coloring.

  208. dani says:


  209. Romia says:

    394 comments. The crazy is strong in this thread. I don’t give more than a superficial toss about either one of them (JA is delightfully pretty and AJ is stunning, especially when she smiles) but it’s hard to stay away from this amazeballs trainwreck of interweb angries.

    • Jill says:

      Don’t be too hard on the Angiephobes, they’re having a bad week. Poor Jennifer’s movie tanked and her career is about busted. She’s got nowhere to go now but back to TV.

      • Mimi says:

        True true the tomboys love to attack Angie when Manniston is in more of a suck mode then usual.

      • Wendy says:

        This has nothing to do with anyone but Jolie making herself look ridiculous on live TV and getting called on it in front of millions of viewers.

  210. Dee Cee says:

    American Gothic, the farmer and his spinster daughter painting done crazy Brangelina let’s have fun style..? Her face is jestingly animated in each instance.. you want this sexy charm to come from me, okay.. shoot away? She was sober otherwise acting normal..

  211. misstrishm says:

    I thought she looked gorgeous and I didn’t even notice the posing until it was pointed out. She looked like she was having a blast and what a smile. All that red lipstick and none on her teeth that’s great.

  212. boo says:

    I just have to add that when she did “the pose”, I was kind of in shock, and I thought to myself “what is she doing”? I mean I was truly mystified as to that pose, whatever possessed her? I’m hoping she was just making fun of this night, you know, how everyone is always posing and saying “I’m wearing this and that”, well, it was an odd, funny, totally unexpected and bizarre moment! I’m hoping she meant to do it in a lighthearted way and that it wasn’t a serious pose, I like Angelina, I think she’s a rebel, so I would not put this little joke past her. I hope.

  213. Palermo says:

    She looks like she needs to be hooked up to an IV in the hospital, yes she is that anorexic. Those arms are not normal and the legs look like they belong to a 90 year old.

    • Katelyn says:

      The skinny/anorexic/skeleton comments are out of control and ridiculous. She does not look THAT skinny. Why is it ok to hate on skinny women and tell them they look gross and to go eat a cheeseburger anyway? People would be going crazy and be all offended if people said Melissa McCarthy needs gastric bypass surgery.

      • sm255 says:


        No offense, but I can see her SHOULDER BLADES from this computer screen. Are you even supposed to see that much? Is that even healthy?

      • aprayerforthewildatheart says:

        ITA. Say she’s too thin and you thinks she looks gross, fine. But, she’s too thin, because she’s got an eating disorder, and she looks gross? That’s gross.

        I have bones that have always stuck out, my shoulder blades, my hip bones, my knees and elbows. I’m thin, my body is just weird that way. I just don’t have the “softness” some women have. IDK about AJ, but there you go I’m healthy, and boney too.

      • Wendy says:

        Personally, if I had a friend or family member who was that underweight, I’d be looking at ways to get them some help because I’d be worried for them.

        Have you not seen the pix of her arms on TMZ? How anyone can blithely write that off as “being naturally skinny” is beyond me. The woman needs help.

  214. Ash says:

    Love it….looks like Angie got more attention than the entire show…

  215. sm255 says:

    OMG…the skeleton. She POSED! And the leg did not miraculously break, I applaud for DeVille.

  216. skuddles says:

    I can’t help but think Angie did the leg pose thing to make a point – or maybe on a dare? She certainly seemed to be enjoying her own little joke last night… In any case, I suspect she’s laughing it off today.

  217. WM says:

    The interesting thing about all this is that the rumor out there is that Angie spend QUITE A LOT of time scouring the internet for stories and comments about herself. The breathless coverage so far is right from her PR team – “Angelina causes a buzz”, “Angelina best dressed!”, “Angelina’s LEG!” – but the comments are almost 90% of people laughing AT her.

    With any luck, she’s reading the comments.

  218. Zoe says:

    She doesn’t need to sell what we have already know. We know you’re sexy Angie, and you don’t need to prove it! It should have been her husbands night but she upstaged Brad. The one time she acts like a vamp on stage and it was the night her husband was nominated for best actor, really disrepectful. She was trying hard to prove she’s still a bad girl.

  219. Betty says:

    I haven’t read all the comments because there are waaay too many so I apologize if I’m repeating anyone.

    Was this not a classic JLO move?!

    I think the reason people are going a little ape-sh*t over this is that Angie’s persona is that she is classy and above any sort of Pose Hard and Super Try.
    We expect to see JLO’s nipple because her dress is too damn tight, and we expect to see Lea Michelle almost snap her hips with her try hard.

    But St. Angie?! You aren’t supposed to care what we think! What is happening to you chica?

    And yes she looked beautiful, really she never looks anything but. And I though the dress was boring – black strapless with a slit – but I don’t expect her to wear cutting edge fashion so oh well.

    Honestly, best moment of the Oscars.

  220. d says:

    I agree with anyone that says there was a reason for that ridiculousness AND I also think that not all is well in Brangelinaland. AND I think the time of the Clooney, Brad, Angelina, Aniston, and that whole gang is OVER. AND she’s unhealthily and unattractively thin, to the point of being skeletal. I can’t imagine how that is okay in any way.

  221. DeeVine says:

    Will this be like a Tom Cruise couch jumping moment? Where the veil is lifted from the general public’s (minus the loons) eyes?

    If she didn’t pose with that leg throughout the night, I would have softened up to her as for once she was very pretty, loose, relaxed, and unrehearsed at the red carpet. Even her voice and the way she spoke was different. Usually she is so “prom queen looking down at her subjects” like. She was likeable for once!

  222. michelle says:

    422 comments for a freaking leg?…wow …just wow…

  223. Barley says:

    Surely anyone with a brain could tell she was mocking the superficiality. It was a JOKE! Even the guys on stage were in on it (if you don’t think they were, you’re delusional). At least she didn’t come on stage drunk and slurring her words like a certain romcom hacktress did. Angelina was perfectly poised on staged and totally owned the stage like a professional. Pure class to me.

  224. Kelly says:

    If the camera adds ten pounds, then what does Angie look like in person. For those who think she has nice legs, please look at the first pic and enlarge it. Thin legs can be beautiful, but hers are skeletal. Not sexy. Please look at her knees.
    These pictures r a cautionary tale. She is on a very slippery slope. Her arms have reached gollum territory. She has to wear pads to make it look like she has a bum and corsets to help her have curves. She is wasting away.
    She acted strangely all evening and notice the lack of affectionate poses with brad. It was his night and should have been about him not about her trying to be sexy. Her beautiful face is now starting to be affected by her nutrition issues. Her cheeks were sunken last night and her hair is thinning and has been dull until very recently. I imagine she may have a weave helping out. These are signs of an eating disorder.
    If anyone else acted so strangely last night all the Angie fans here would have shredded them but because she is loved here, most are giving her weirdness a pass and are ignoring the warning signs of a health issue. Hopefully, she will realize that she needs to seek some help.

  225. lisa says:

    Angie flashes a leg and it gets close to 500 comments.

    this is beyond amazing.. love it

    she had fun. Funny how many of these same people scream that she needs to lighten up or have fun. Well she had fun.

    Get over it. OH wait.. 500 comments on a freaking leg people..

    she was fun nothing more and nothing less.

  226. Laura says:

    I will always maintain that Angelina is beautiful, but this whole bidness with her leg made her seem like a douche. All I thought when I saw her posing this way was ‘attention seeker’ which is so not like her at all. She just seemed so different to how she’s usually been.

  227. The ORIGINAL Miami D. says:

    Ohhhhhh Gorgeous, Gorgeous, Gorgeous.

  228. Sakyiwaa says:

    the insanity she generated is pretty whelming.

  229. ouch says:

    god ! 500 comments ? ?
    are you crazy ?
    Nice world !

  230. Mae says:

    This is the real Angelina coming out that is why everyone is posting. It’s like we all knew that she could only hide within her compounds showing only her nannies and Brad the real her.Brad is really stuck. (KARMA). It was only a matter of time for her crazying to come out. Perfect spot for it toooo, can’t hide it now Angie!

  231. A.Y says:

    no matter what, she still looked damn sexy and hot last night~Her face is pure perfection!

  232. Wendy says:

    I’m with you on this. The mental gymnastics people perform to “settle” it into their minds that it wasn’t attention wh0rishness at it’s worst rivals the Cirque de Soleil. And bravo for Jim, one of the people this night was really about, for firmly placing the attention right back where it really belonged.

  233. TXCinderella says:

    She looked beautiful and the dress is great, but I just don’t get the leg sticking out thing. It looked weird and planned out.

  234. Dibba says:

    AJ and BP are much “bigger” together than they would be apart. That’s part of their appeal to each other. I remember reading an article years ago about how AJ felt like a hollywood outsider and one of the reasons she wanted BP was to get into that circle of hell. I never saw any of the Laura Croft movies, not my taste. I did see her in the Changling and that was good. BP is interesting because in some movies he is quite good and in others MEH. I thought he stole the show in Burn After Reading. He should do more comedy. Both of them need to overcome the “hey there’s Brad Pitt and AJ playing a role in a movie”. I am almost too aware of their “real” personas to enjoy a movie and believe they are the characters that they are playing. Overexposure is not a good thing. I guess they can’t help all the interest in them, but I wonder how much of it isn’t their fault and how much of it is orchestrated by them?

  235. Dibba says:

    I am willing to cut AJ some slack over the leg thing. Nice to see that even someone like her can make an ass out of themselves! Makes her more human…I make an ass out of myself almost every day! LOL

  236. may says:

    Angelina is hot- legs and face ! I love her.

  237. Nina says:

    Brad seems miserable and they had too much space between them while posing

  238. Meh says:

    Can you say too tacky for words.

  239. NYCgal says:

    Very well put. Totally agree!

  240. teri says:

    Awww I see some are jealous asshats hating on the gorgous Angelina. It took a leg to throw some over the edge, the power of Angelina’s leg is fabulous.

    • sian says:

      It doesn’t take much at all for the loonistons to go over the edge. They long ago went over it with their craziness.

  241. iiansmimi says:

    I know I’m late in this posting.I watched the awards show and thought what Ange did was odd..but I also remember the eye contact between A&B and thought it must have been a private joke..I just looked at the picture of Ange 2012 & J Aniston in 2010…I wonder if this was a private joke between A&B & she was spoofing J Aniston’s pose in her black thigh high slit dress.
    J Aniston did it much better.
    Or maybe it was just one of those things where it’s funnier in your head than in actuality(been there-done that :))
    Gotta give her credit for going for it, skinny little calves and all.